D4rk's Avatars/Userbars

Sorry for the triple post, but btw every request I finished the person was perfectly happy with my work. I don't know but maybe people have there likes and dislikes.
New one I just made guys!
Can I have a userbar (is that what it's called?) with Mr. Resetti, an alternating red, white, and blue background (not necessarily in that color order), and my user name? Thanks in advance!
Resetti 4 Prez said:
Can I have a userbar (is that what it's called?) with Mr. Resetti, an alternating red, white, and blue background (not necessarily in that color order), and my user name? Thanks in advance!
I will A.S.A.P :)
Can I have a userar that says 'forum weirdo' on it, whatever colour, and put a pic of a clown from a jack in the box in there plz
Guys you know what I will work on your userbars tomorrow I am just way to tired right now and a lot of things are happening but I will do your userbars tomorrow for sure. :)