Giveaway Dakota's Villager Cycling: no one [0/16]

May I reserve Ruby and Muffy please?
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Hi. It says you have Pekoe in your town now, can I reserve her or do you want to keep her? :)
May I please reserve Erik and Rudy? Thank you ^^
Please can I have Pudge? I have a space in my town right now.

edit: If Shep were to move in, I'd also love to reserve him :)
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I have updated the list!! **side note, I have doubled up on reservations because if you are unable to take your reservation within 30 mins or if you don't reply back to my PM the next person in line gets them, if both are not online/responsive then your reservation will be bidded off! fair enough?​
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i sure hope i'm online when / if you get rosie, she's my last dream villager to get xD

btw, you're really sweet for taking reservations / cycling villagers out uwu
Axel the Jock Elephant is moving! Will hold for 15 mins
I GOT PUNCHY :D!! So you can take me off the list so someone else can have him n.n!