Senior Member

Darien's flag. It's Keroro from Sgt. Frog.

Map of Darien. Character's houses are labled. Animal houses are subject to change.
Thomas (me)(male)
Robert (my brother)(male)
Sleeping (my storage character)(female)
Tommy (DS transfer character)(male)
Native Fruit: Cherry
Fruit in Town: Cherries, Oranges, Pears, Coconuts
Nook's: Nookingtons
Darien Town Rules
1. Do not run. We are trying to spread flowers around our town.
2. Do not hack. I'm not too sure how to prevent this, but just try to be nice.
3. Do not take anything I don't give you. Ex. Fruit, flowers, patterns.
4. Fishing and catching bugs is fine.
5. Do not dig up flowers/ cut down trees.
Trade Rules
I go to your town, no exceptions.
I do not trade with new members.