Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Tournament
Hi folks! The tournament is now ready to begin! To see your battles, please refer to the Challonge page.
Unlike the TBTWC, you don't have a set time to complete each round, and you don't need to complete your matches in any specific order. We just need all rounds completed by 11:59PM EST on Friday February 28th 2025.
Reminder that both users need to send an update to the Super Smash Bros. Tournament Reporting board upon completion of a set with screenshots as evidence. If you could include the round number and both usernames in the thread title (and who you are in the post if you use a different name in-game) that would be great. You'll receive your participation bells as long as both users report the same results and provide screenshots.
I'll try to get bells sent out and Challonge updated at least twice a week.

Participant List: