So some tiger moved in today. Leonardo, he is a jock, but he has that grumpy voice that I just can not stand. I love my other jock, Mac. But ugh. Leo came from a town I visited to trade Lolly away. She moves on the 18th, I do like her, I'll miss her. Some hybrids grew today, I absolutely love when they grow, it's such a, accomplishment to me (ohgod). Also, fun, non-acnl, fact, I spend my last 10 hours watching Game Grumps. I regret nothing. Once Lolly leaves, I'll be back down to 9 villagers, although I'm still trying to get rid of Patty. Lemme say, I do not like Peppy villagers. Snooty and lazy are my all time faves, but I love me some Mac and Lily. Katrina was here today, said soemthing abotu Cap'n, I dont know. I think I'll head to the island before I head to bed. GOODNIGHT NOOBLES.