Day to day


#1 Filbert Fan!
Sep 3, 2013
Throwback Tickets
Lost Star Fragment 004.MB
Galaxolotl Star Fragment
International Space Cetacean Star Fragment
Blue Crescent Moon
Pink Crescent Moon
Blue Star Fragment
Shooting Star
Pink Star Fragment
I realize you can time travel back so that you don’t miss too much or time travel forward in case you get too far behind but sometimes I just really wish you didn’t miss any time when you open up your game no matter how long it is. Anybody else with me on this?
I wish it was a setting honestly. I feel bad when my villagers tell me I've been gone for very specific amount of time.
I just spent the day cleaning up all the weeds and fallen branches on my island. After that was done, I looked to dig up the glowing spot and any X spots.

I don’t have anymore fossils that are rogue as I buried them all in one area. So any X spots will be gyroids
I feel that tbh. I just try not to care too much but it is kinda annoying to have to pick up weeds and sticks just about every time I open the game.
The way they go 'Has it really been 4 months, 7 days, 3 hours, 6 minutes, and 11 seconds since we last talked? It's not like I'm an obsessed stalker or anything'

I don't know, the dialogue needs fixing. Cause no one is going to remember how much time has passed unless they're obsessively counting it lol. So when I talk to the first villager or so after coming back after a hiatus it kinda breaks me out of the immersion and I don't care as much. It just feels weird haha.

I am fine with real time, but it just needs some tweaking. Like sticks don't need to constantly fall unless you shake a tree. Weeds and flowers spawn stupidly fast. The way picking them up now works makes it more time consuming than it was previously. If they just tweaked the QoL a bit more favorable then it wouldn't be so bad.

Like I know this isn't about the topic, but I detest how villager's interact with you. After you talk to them the first time it doesn't matter if you talk to them right after or there's like a 5 hour gap, they'll respond with some really passive aggressive commentary about talking to them too much. Chill it's the second time I talked to you today. It's weird how they pushed them to be anti-social like that.
Sometimes I wish it would only progress the day, if you played that day, like Stardew, just not the 20 min days m.
The way they go 'Has it really been 4 months, 7 days, 3 hours, 6 minutes, and 11 seconds since we last talked? It's not like I'm an obsessed stalker or anything'
Yea this always bothered me. That or when they say they saw you and waved and you didn’t wave back. No sorry you didn’t see me I wasn’t there. It would be nice if you could give them an answer when they ask where you have been.

Like I know this isn't about the topic, but I detest how villager's interact with you. After you talk to them the first time it doesn't matter if you talk to them right after or there's like a 5 hour gap, they'll respond with some really passive aggressive
Yea I don’t really get this either. They were so mad you didn’t say hi for so long then mad if you talk to them twice in a day. I would love for some back and forth dialogue instead of them saying something random then they walk away.
Oh gosh yes, some of the dialogue feels like it's supposed to lead into something else and then it just stops abruptly. Examples are when peppy says they played hide and seek alone and are lonely, sisterly asking what we plan on doing for the next __ hour(s) and then going psyche!, sisterly again I think thinking out loud about what they should get into.

It just feels like it should lead into a question where the player can choose what the sisterly can get into, or why they didn't think we wanted to play hide and seek with the villagers so let's just rub salt in that wound.
Oh gosh yes, some of the dialogue feels like it's supposed to lead into something else and then it just stops abruptly. Examples are when peppy says they played hide and seek alone and are lonely, sisterly asking what we plan on doing for the next __ hour(s) and then going psyche!, sisterly again I think thinking out loud about what they should get into.

It just feels like it should lead into a question where the player can choose what the sisterly can get into, or why they didn't think we wanted to play hide and seek with the villagers so let's just rub salt in that wound.
I know right. They ask so many questions but don’t let us answer them. I forget who sats it but sometimes they will say they have a hard time deciding what to make for lunch/dinner but won’t let me suggest anything to them. Or jocks with the lets have a race around the island or play a sport. I would love to be able to play hide and seek or invite them over for a meal.