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Days 451 & 452 - Horses Have Feelings Too


Beth from Storrs
Feb 19, 2015
Throwback Tickets
Classic Easter Egg
Good evening everyone, and happy July! I'm doubling up on the posts yet again because yesterday and today weren't too awfully busy. The last couple of days have been cloudy (shocker), so I went with an outfit that was cool, but I could still carry an umbrella and wear some rain boots with. I don't recall ever being rained on, though.

Yesterday, Colton was home and I spent a few minutes with him. It looks much better since he put his Regal Lamp back out in favor of one of his shirts. He also convinced me to buy a Sleek Side Table. And of course I couldn't leave without a compliment. :rolleyes:

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I always feel slightly weird when I wear this wig, but hearing him say that made me feel a lot better.

Felicity wanted a fruit because she didn't want anyone to see her shake a tree. I ran to Re-Tail and shook a peach down for her, and she later thanked me with a Kitschy Clock.

Greta had a delivery that was addressed to Colton. I took it to him and, though he didn't disclose what the contents of the package were, he rewarded me with a Brown Pot.

Buck was getting a familiar "urge to conceal himself like a super spy" and wanted to play hide-and-seek. He rounded up Chester and Greta, my two least favorite villagers, and I seriously considered letting them stay lost. But I couldn't, in the spirit of the game, so I hunted them all down. Buck was very disappointed in himself at losing, but he said he had fun regardless and said my prize was a Green Chair.

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Midway through hide-and-seek, I found Fang and he wanted to replace his Snow Globe. I didn't find anything at T&T later for him, so I just gave him the Brown Pot. I hope it ends up looking okay. Oh, and in return...he gave me a Lovely Kitchen! New Lovely item for my Lovely room. : D

I got all of the little fairy-tale themed knick-knacks and whatnot in the mail and scattered them around several of my rooms. While doing that, I accidentally ate the cake from my birthday. D; It was such a perfect item for my tea party garden room, too. I can trade for another one, but it won't feel the same as the special one I got from Buck, Chief, and Lolly last November. Ah well.

Now onto today, this first day of July! As such, I had my letter from the post office, informing me of my accrued interest. I also had another letter from the HHA, informing me that my score had surpassed the 900,000 mark this time! Sweet. I'm loving how easy it is to earn points with this challenge. Hopefully I'll reach the peak soon and will be able to get my house back to the way I actually like it.

Colton was outside behind the Plaza and told me a delivery for Felicity had gone to his house. I assured him I would hand it over to her when I saw her later.

An owl on the bulletin board let me know that the rainy season has reached its end, and that should mean that we'll finally see some sunshine! I have greatly missed mister sun's silly smiling face. And I just want to wear that outfit I've been saving for a sunny day, gosh darn it!

Halfway through patrol, Felicity called out to me and suggested we put up a Round Streetlight in Storrs. I am loving Felicity's enthusiasm with the town improvement! However, I really would just love for her to suggest building a Fairy Tale Bridge. That would definitely go right behind her house and lead into the Queen's "village." Also with the package from Colton; She said she'd forgotten about it and ordered another one, so I bought it off of her for 131 bells. I don't remember what it was now.

Just below where we were, I found Deirdre. She said she'd been reading up on interior design lately and was inspired by an article, "Putting Your Stuff on Your Other Stuff." So she wanted something to replace her Vintage Radio, but I didn't find anything later that would look any better than that does.

After I'd finished my walk through town, I caught back up with Colton and told him about the delivery. He was very discouraged by Felicity's having ordered another one, and said something along the line of "No matter what I do, I always seem to cause problems." But it wasn't your fault, Colton. </3

While that was transpiring, Chief had walked over and started talking to Colton once he was done talking to me. He acted like he wanted to start a fight or something and told him it was time to "roll up his sleeves." Colton wasn't for this at all, saying that rolling up his sleeves was a poor fashion choice, and if he did so, the style would become him. But...he's always wearing sleeveless shirts. This did not settle with Chief, and he was quite frustrated at Colton for "always getting hung up on silly things." Colton asked me what they could do besides roll up their sleeves, and I suggested suiting up, because that's what all the cool superheroes are doing nowadays. (Avengers, anyone?)

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I'm glad SOMEONE here thought it was a good idea.
Chief was even more disgruntled. He asked Colton why he could never just have a normal conversation, that he's "always getting off track."

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Dang, Chief. Right after Colton essentially said just that to me.
I gotta say, that was very heartless of him. He's so much better than that. D:

Fortunately, though, Colton did not seem phased by this exchange, but rather it was Chief who walked away thinking, hopefully about the cold things he had said. I wonder what had gotten in between those two... A bit later, Chief wanted me to catch him an Arowana and I declined, mainly because it's so rare and I didn't want to fish, but also because I didn't think he deserved it.

By this time, Buck had gone in his house and I was happy to finally locate him. He put his Eight-Ball Tee back out after I'd returned it to him and it was the typical visit -- Buck wanting to engage him some physical activity or another, this time it was wrestling.

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They know me so well. x)

And that's all for today! Will the sunshine come out tomorrow? Will Colton and Chief make amends? I'm looking forward to those answers, and hopefully we'll find out. Until next time. :)

EDIT: Forgot to say that I will be going out of town tomorrow for a convention this weekend. I'll get my play time in every evening, but I won't have time to blog. I will be back Sunday evening, so expect a post then or Monday catching up on anything interesting that happened over the weekend! And have a good one, friends. ^^


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