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Days 575 - 578 - Camping Craze


Beth from Storrs
Feb 19, 2015
Throwback Tickets
Classic Easter Egg
Good evening, everybody! Beth here with several more days of action to report from Storrs. Let's get on with it, shall we?

Day 575

Tuesday morning, I made sure to change up my outfit and sort through my mail before I set off on my daily duties. Whitney was at home nextdoor and asked me for a 1x1 something for her room. I made a mental note to check the shops for something later. A bit later, I ran into my good old pal Buck, out and about.

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He thanked me with a Bunk Bed for nursing him back to health, but really I was just glad to see him better again. :blush:

Colton was also at home on Tuesday, and he had a delivery for Chief. On my way to find said recipient, I ran into Melba, who wanted to trade her Modern Wood Bed for the Illusion Floor I was carrying. I hated to hear that she'd taken her bed out of her house, but I was willing to trade a harmless item for the chance to give it back to her. Then I was intercepted by Lily, who wanted a peach. I thought she deserved a fruit as perfect as she was (yeah, I stole that from Whitney, so what :rolleyes:), and would make sure to retrieve one for her when I had a moment.

I finally made it to Chief's house and was delighted to see that he was home. I handed over the package which just so happened to be something he'd wanted to give to me. :') Kind of odd of him to ask Colton to buy something for him to give to me but I was happy to receive the lemon nevertheless, and treated myself to it before I left Chief's house.

After the daily formalities, I ran to the beach to pick up a perfect pear for Lily. She loved the flavor, and thanked me with a Lawn Mower for my troubles. Lastly, I found a Vintage Camera in the Emporium, which I thought would suit Whitney's house and match nicely with her Vintage Stereo. She was pleased with the gift, and thanked me with a Sleek Carpet.

Day 576

Wednesday, I got out and about after dark had fallen. Whitney was outside of our houses and asked me for a fruit. I shook a durian off the tree behind her house and gave it to her in exchange for a Space Heater.

Setting off on patrol, I came across the first camper I remembered seeing in a while! This time it was Jacques.

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He was nice, but I didn't encourage him to move in.

I met Chief by the brick bridge, and he told me that Fang had critiqued his decorations yet again. Guess my old bickering buddies are at it again! I never did find anything for Chief later, and besides, I think his house is perfect! :p

Speaking of Fang, I ran into him outside of Re-Tail and he informed me of his plans to move out on the 8th. Certainly not, mister! Fortunately, he seemed happy enough to stay. After that conversation, I set off towards Main Street and happened upon Felicity and Chief having had a conversation which apparently resulted in Chief changing into a copy of Felicity's shirt. A very girly shirt. D:

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So that was quite a disaster. I hope I can get Chief out of that shirt very soon.
When I spoke to him, he just wanted to trade his Noodle Tee for my Sleek Carpet, which I was happy to trade to him.

Day 577

Yesterday was significantly overcast, so I made sure to carry an umbrella with me in case it started to rain. (It never did, but you can never be too prepared.) Whitney wanted a fruit -- again -- so I picked up another durian for her from the same tree I shook the night before, and traded it to her for a Crewel Tee.

And, lo and behold, Storrs had another camper yesterday! Yesterday's camper was Kitt. She wanted to play a game for my umbrella which I could not agree to, and we chatted a bit about how much she was enjoying our town. I couldn't let her move in, of course.

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After that, I found a Mush Bed in the forest and paid a visit to Colton. And this is where it got interesting.

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I was all too eager to pass on the gift, and made my way to Whitney straightaway. I found her outside of our homes where I'd left her, and she was happy to see that the package was from Colton. It was a Blue-Bar Shirt which I encouraged her to try on for the sake of things, although it looked terrible and I had to tell her to take it off. Regardless, it was the thought that counted.

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And so it was in that moment, my suspicions were confirmed.
I. WAS. RIGHT. Even though it was very, very obvious they were having problems. Either way, I can be 100% certain that they have both moved on. ^_^ Whitney thanked me with an apple, but that didn't matter.

Unfortunately when I related the situation to Colton, he got the feeling that Whitney didn't like it...I hope that didn't give him any wrong ideas!

Later, I sold Melba my Crewel Tee (which looks uber cute on her) and agreed to have Deirdre over to my house.

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Day 578

Now today was noticeably less eventful. Whitney was at home, and talked me into buying her excess Old Brick Wall which, I think, is exactly what she has in her house. Why do they do that? xD

We had another camper, for the third day in a row.

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Today's mushroom was a Mush Table, and -- oh!

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AT LONG LAST. That's right, we are definitely getting one of those.
Just two more suggestions to get out of her...

Felicity was at home and had a package for Deirdre that went to her house by mistake. She was so disappointed, she couldn't even deliver it to her. Look what you've done, Pete! I agreed to help and found Deirdre where I'd left her. She opened it to reveal a Sunset Tee, which she was happy to receive. She didn't change into it though, but thanked me with a Marshmallow Chair.

Lastly, I agreed to hang out with Chief at 5:30, took three gold nuggets to Cyrus, and talked Lily into buying her Green Dresser out of Re-Tail. I made sure to wait for her to look at something...5/7 pieces for sale at the time were meant to go to her, so it had to happen. :p

When 5:24 rolled around, I went over to Chief's early and hung out with him for a while before telling him his house was awesome and calling it a day.

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And that does it for this post! Sorry it was so deathly long. DD:
I need to cut the habit of letting days pile up on me! But at least I'm playing, and a long post means that fun things are happening. I thank you for reading this far, and I'll see you next time!



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