Wonder Woman, literally a Goddess, The Flash, Green Arrow, Shazam, Green Lantern, Harley Quinn, who is underrated. Yeah DC live action movies suck but there are some BA characters, these are a few, since I'm not the biggest fan of DC. Also, literally Death herself if that counts, and other entities
All the members of the Justice League maybe? The way they're shown in live action (which is what most people are most familiar with these days) does no justice to show how powerful they really are in the actual comics.
Avengers is one of the Marvel properties I care least about...They sold the rights to most of the stuff I actually like and, as we've seen, most of those studios have mostly cranked out crap.
Shame they didn't sell the rights to the Punisher though. I love the Punisher and Marvel has proven that they don't know what the **** they're doing with him in movies.