Deal or No Deal Event 30th November 2009


Senior Member
Nov 22, 2009
PM me if you want to take part in an 8 person event TODAY.
First come first served basis. We'll play Deal or No Deal at my town for the awsome MMC.

3 people in the town at one time.
Line up.
1 person plays.
I dig a hole, one with 1k bells in and one with a pitfall seed.
If you dig the bells, you get them. If you dig the seed, you're out.
If you win, I'll ask you, Deal or No Deal.
If you say Deal, you walk away with the 1k bells
If you say no deal, you play again for another 1k bells and so on.
Remember, if you play on and get the seed, you lose everything you won.
A maximum grand prize of 15k bells!
Who'se got what it takes to win?
PM me if you want to play, remember, 8 places only, and one of the has already been taken!
Cool. Zilgun, I'm terrribly sorry but you will have to wait until atleast 1 more person comes.
Thanks though !
sermantopp said:
Cool. Zilgun, I'm terrribly sorry but you will have to wait until atleast 1 more person comes.
Thanks though !
Is Zilgun in MMC...

Nope, but it's not too late to join for Zilgun, sermantopp.. ;)
How can I tell if someone's in MMC Jason?

But yeah Zilgun, to access this event, you must join MMC. Trust me though, your money won't be wasted!
sermantopp said:
How can I tell if someone's in MMC Jason?

But yeah Zilgun, to access this event, you must join MMC. Trust me though, your money won't be wasted!
Ask me.

I can check my Bell Donations Log and tell you. ;)
sermantopp said:

Zilgun, here is all the details you need to join.
I highly recommend you do, as this club has great, active staff, frequent events, and a huge and interesting thread. There will also be a great website shortly, designed by The JJ using HTML only!
Wow, all the sort of good information that an Admin would write, I like you even more now sermantopp. :)
To join this club, you must have at least 2,000,000 AC:CF Bells or 2,000,000 Wild World Bells, I myself as Founder have over 520,000,000 Bells which I've worked for with Turnips, it's took me a good lot of months.
We're a very select group so Member Statuses do cost TBT Bells but they are only one time payments unless you decide to upgrade your rank, we will try and have as many events as we can, but sometimes we cannot guarantee an event if the Event Managers are offline or poorly, but we have lots of Event Managers here at MMC so that may not be too much of a problem, also in 4 months and 29 days, we've hit 171 pages, 1,708 replies and 15,140 views which is extremely good for a club to get which makes the club even better, so join today and if you're active, you could even become a better rank than Supreme VIP's, and that rank is any of the Staff Member ranks.
sermantopp said:
Yep, remember to stay on the right side of him!
Or any of the Important Admins and the Founder which is myself.

Even Admins have to stay on my good side. ;)
If one more person joins the event, we can get round one under way!

Come on people, this is NOT an event to miss!