Gotta Breed Them All
i can't see your town in my list of open gates, can you re-open please ?
Your AC name [ mailys ]
Your Town name [ miloeny ]
Your FC [5026-4996-8286]
Order [ 10 Orange Roses, 10 Orange Cosmos and 18 White Azalea ]
Price [ 400k ]
oke when could you trade? (purple)
Your AC name [ Potato]
Your Town name [ Potate]
Your FC [4656-5648-0558
Order [ All remaining Hydrangeas and 20 blue pansies]
Price [ 4 million?]
Order accepted! ^_^ You may add me while I prepare your order. Would you like to meet at my town or yours?
Your town please, thank you c:
Your AC name [ Cresalia/Aaronb365 ]
Your town name [ Whimsy ]
Your FC [0834-2618-2796]
Order [ 6 of each pink and white Azalea 600k, 6 of each pink and blue hydrangea 600 ]
Price [ 1.2 million ]
Your AC name [ amelia]
Your town name [ lazyleaf]
Your FC
Order [ 10 white azalea, 4 pink lilies, and do you have regular flowers?]
Price [ 280k]
Which regular flowers are you looking for in particular? ^^ We have tons and tons. Personally, I have many of the roses, but I know that JunJie has more variety.
Oh sure thing :3 How many would you want of each type?yellow roses, white lilies, purple violets, white violets, white roses, white tulips!
Your AC name [ Comet ]
Your town name [ Euphoria ]
Your FC [1805-2279-4781]
Order [ x2 Purple Pansy ] favorite color is red
Price [ 500k ]
Order accepted Add me, please, as I will prepare your order ~ Would you like to meet at my town or yours?