I haven't played the game since December because my video gaming focus has shifted to Pokémon; I bred a team of Pokémon for a playthrough of Pokémon Pearl so I can catch a Glameow, since I'm planning to eventually replay HeartGold in the future and wanted Glameow as a team member for that. As such, and because Winter is my second favorite season in real life and in game, when I get back into New Horizons, I'll still be in Winter and won't be rushing to Spring.
I'm not particularly excited about Spring though, regardless of when it arrives for me in game, because I don't really know what to decorate with. My island achieved the 5 star rating back in Autumn thanks to all of the jack-o-lanterns I had set up, and when Winter rolled around, I replaced those with stuff like Three-Tiered Snowpersons, Illuminated Deer, and some Tree's Bounty items. Maybe it's just my own biased preference for Autumn and Winter, but it seems like Spring doesn't really have festivities and items associated with it that I feel would look nice to decorate with and I have no idea what I'm go to replace the Three-Tiered Snowpersons with.