LegWinstonSmith said:hmm, whats that got to do with anything.UltraByte said:Like I said, good luck with that. Just because I'm a girl...
You said:Oh you will, I'll soon have you screami............ unsure.gif nevermind.
LegWinstonSmith said:hmm, whats that got to do with anything.UltraByte said:Like I said, good luck with that. Just because I'm a girl...
You said:Oh you will, I'll soon have you screami............ unsure.gif nevermind.
I think Leg misqouted there UltraByte...it seems that remark he made was intended for Bulerias...not you.UltraByte said:LegWinstonSmith said:hmm, whats that got to do with anything.UltraByte said:Like I said, good luck with that. Just because I'm a girl...You said:Oh you will, I'll soon have you screami............ unsure.gif nevermind.
o.oPAPASMALLS said:I think Leg misqouted there UltraByte...it seems that remark he made was intended for Bulerias...not you.UltraByte said:LegWinstonSmith said:hmm, whats that got to do with anything.UltraByte said:Like I said, good luck with that. Just because I'm a girl...You said:Oh you will, I'll soon have you screami............ unsure.gif nevermind.
Oh. I see. But still, like I said before, have fun with impressing me.LegWinstonSmith said:Thats was more a joke in the fact that, Im not funny, not a refence to you gender... which I didnt know until you pointed out. Sorry if that sounded sexist, was not meant to be.
Of course, knowing myslef and how I read things, thats not even what you meant by that anyway.
Haha, I will, and Im sure im off to a great start >_<UltraByte said:Oh. I see. But still, like I said before, have fun with impressing me.
Thanks Copper, I (and I'm sure others) appreciate the warm welcome!Copper said:I really didn't expect NSider to close down at all mainly because it's just a big community! But oh well we will see what Nintendo decides to do about the community base of their website. Btw you probably have never seen me on NSider which makes sense since I come on their not as much and I usually never post just read. Plus I have a very small post count so I am not well known I'm pretty sure. Anyways Welcome all NSiders to The Bell Tree Forums! I hope to get to know many of you here. I've already seen very good posts from a lot of you so I'm looking forward to that.
There are a few of us "Dejected Nsiders" here, so you are welcome as well. I was doing the same thing (got knocked off when posting a VC Preview) so I know how you feel.Super Daddy-o said:Hi guys. I saw the "Dejected Nsider" thread and figured that summed me up pretty well. I was in the middle of a post when I got the gray wait bar of death, only to find later that they had killed the boards entirely. I spent a fair bit of time on the VC boards and will definately miss them. I saw a few familiar names here after a search turned up Bul and Papa's replys to a GoNintendo story. I hope you guys won't mind if I post here a bit too?
Welcome SD-o. It's always good to see people from the VC boards here. Don't worry, post as much as you want (as long it's not spam, or else we'll have our butts kicked out of hereSuper Daddy-o said:Hi guys. I saw the "Dejected Nsider" thread and figured that summed me up pretty well. I was in the middle of a post when I got the gray wait bar of death, only to find later that they had killed the boards entirely. I spent a fair bit of time on the VC boards and will definately miss them. I saw a few familiar names here after a search turned up Bul and Papa's replys to a GoNintendo story. I hope you guys won't mind if I post here a bit too?
Hey Adroit. Good to see you made it here.AdroitOne said:I have a strong feeling the new forums will be intergrated with our Wiis some way. Kinda like how the Xbox forums are.
September Surprise????
Thank Heavens! I missed Zimms so much! I can't wait to see him around here again soon!LegWinstonSmith said:Just wanted to let everyone know, well, everyone who cares, that I got ahold of Zimms and let him know where we are, so we should be seeing him around here soon.
I agree with that! Most of my posting occurs in between work tasks. Thats actually why I haven't posted much today, I was out on jobsites doing field inspections. Good to see you A1 and DoGDemiseofGanon said:Hey Adroit. Good to see you made it here.AdroitOne said:I have a strong feeling the new forums will be intergrated with our Wiis some way. Kinda like how the Xbox forums are.
September Surprise????
And that would suck...I can't get on my Wii from work.