Apparently I'm a liberal libertarian according to the quiz. I'm not too politically active and I walk away with the results as a grain of salt, but these Internet quizzes are always pretty fun. I think it partially got some stuff about me correct, though.
I got a very liberal libertarian from the survey which sounds about right. I'm mostly in favor of letting people live how they want, but I'm a strong believer in government intervention when it comes to things that directly affect the lives of others such as climate change and gun control. I believe some people deserve to earn more than others, but at some point it becomes straight-up hoarding. No one needs billions of dollars to pass down to their children and grandchildren and great grandchildren so they can be lazy bums throwing around inherited cash their entire lives.
I got liberal libertarian, but I'm not sure how accurate that is. I am definitely on the liberal side but I've never thought of myself as a libertarian. Maybe that's because all the libertarians in my area are conservatives.
I consider myself an independent with liberal values.
Liberal libertarian? Not sure I agree with that outcome. Honestly was confused by quite a few of the questions. By American standards, I am strictly a liberal democrat