
On a scale of 1 to 10 what would you Rate the Festivale Event?

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Every event so far has been really bad. I completed each in 30 minutes...
These events are truly the biggest L i ever seen
I totally love this event! I prefer events that doesn't take up much time. I also love the fact that you can get any furniture variant without trading with others for once. Getting those rainbow feathers aren't that annoying too. It's just about right. I gave it a score of eight!
haven’t started it yet but i just hope that gosh darn music isn’t the same as in NL...
i swear i heard it in my sleep every time

im literally starting to have war flashbacks of how annoying the music gets after playing for 3 full hours straight trying to catch all the stupid feathers. after the first year, i avoided festivale every time..

i know i could’ve just turned the volume off but something about playing animal crossing without volume bothers me so i was stuck with a headache every time i heard the festivale music, even my brother couldn’t stand it
I enjoyed it, its really cute to see my villagers dancing. I think its possibly my favourite NH event so far, though there are a few NL events I prefer more.

I just wish there were more new furniture items only available on the day, rather than one new item, and everything else is things you've been already collecting for 2 weeks, just in different colours - perhaps make these customisable earlier on, and then have some more new things on Festivale?

Another gripe I had, although this one isn't Festivale specific, is that the dialogue you get from Pave everytime you give him some more feathers is long and boring. Ok, maybe the first time you do it, just don't make me read through the same dialogue every time as it gets tiring!
Don't even remind me of that event. I still don't like it. Imagine you're looking for materials and next thing you know you find nothing but eggs. It was such chaos. I've been playing this game day one and I remember how painful it was.
I personally don't understand how people describe an event in a relaxing, wholesome video game to be "painful" and an abomination. I think the memes are funny at least, but hating on it so much is something I just don't get.

I didn't like it that much either, but I just thought people just blew it way out of proportion if you ask me. They even nerfed the egg rates because of the backlash. I didn't think it was that horrific, and I noticed it was the most fleshed out event compared to all the others, which was my original point.

Anyways. I'm playing Festivale right now and it's nice how the villagers dance and really take part in the liveliness of the event. It's nice.
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I actually really liked the festivale event! maybe more for seeing all my villagers dancing around and having fun than anything else, but nonetheless i enjoyed playing through it and going and catching everything. it helps that I really love Pave too haha
The event itself isn't bad at all. But I've been at this for almost two hours and I'm not even halfway done with getting all color variations, and after the first few times the dances just feel like they're wasting your time.

And it's obviously a me problem but the villagers running towards me all the tine is begining to really stress me out too.
I was not expecting the float item at all and I LOVE it! The event was more fun than I expected honestly, if anything I'm annoyed I can't gift stuff to my villagers today because of it
Okay, I voted 7 before, but I'd like to lower that to 5 now. I'm trying to collect all furniture variations and catching enough feathrs takes time. Why am I forced to waste feathers to make another float? Why is that not optional after the first time?
Okay, I voted 7 before, but I'd like to lower that to 5 now. I'm trying to collect all furniture variations and catching enough feathrs takes time. Why am I forced to waste feathers to make another float? Why is that not optional after the first time?
Thats all there is. You just keep collecting feathers and giving them to pave just to get different color variants of the Festivale items you already got from your shop. There is only 1 DIY for Rainbow Feather and the Festivale Float is the only event item you can get. There is no other new items or diys so thats pretty much it. Whats even worse and this is something I forgot to mention if you miss out on the event, there is no way to get the DIY or get any of the Festivale items. They are all gone after the event is over. So you have no other choice but to time travel backwards just to go back to the event.
I give it a 10. I'm really enjoying it and I'm loving the atmosphere on my island. I don't have the upgraded Nook's Cranny so this is my first time obtaining any of the furniture in game, and imo it's one of the best sets in game, and the float is amazing!

I just got off of New Leaf after playing for 20 minutes and I think it plays out much better in NH.
I only played for half an hour before I went to work, but I was able to snag 4 rainbow feathers and several sets of the rest. I'll go feather hunting tonight and I'm sure I'll have no trouble getting everything I want/need.

Pavé's dialogue is a bit much, but I thought the same thing when I dealt with him in NL, and if anything, it seems a bit pared down, so that's good. The villagers all being up and out early was cute, and I like that they come running up to you (although it was a bit annoying when I was trying to kick a snowball down the brick path). The music is nice, as well.

I'm looking to get full sets of all colors, and I'll trade green feathers to him for duplicates that I can customize later (I'd like a couple of items in pairs). I give it 7/10.
You misunderstood my post. After exchanging a certain number of items, the game forces you to use three rainbow feathers to make another float. It literally takes away the option to get normal furniture until you do it. I do not need more than one float and I do not want to waste three of each color on that instead of completing my collection.

If Pavé just said "hey you can give me more rainbow feathers for another float" without impacting the furniture trade, it'd be completely fine.
You misunderstood my post. After exchanging a certain number of items, the game forces you to use three rainbow feathers to make another float. It literally takes away the option to get normal furniture until you do it. I do not need more than one float and I do not want to waste three of each color on that instead of completing my collection.

If Pavé just said "hey you can give me more rainbow feathers for another float" without impacting the furniture trade, it'd be completely fine.
What is the point anyway? You're literally just getting different color variants of Festivale items you already got in your shop. I know that you get the Festivale Float from giving Pave 3 Rainbow Feathers I mentioned that in the OP.
I love the items, I love the colours and catching feathers is not that annoying (I prefer it to the easter event just so boring, long, with this creepy character and hideous in my opinion items) ; actually, I'm looking for some of them (balloons, garlands) to decorate my island, so I'm happy you have finally a good event even if yes, catching feathers is not that original.

HOWEVER there is some points terribly annoying:
1. The dialogues are so long! Pavé is dancing, Pavé is moving, all the time, for every bunch of feathers you give him.
2. You can't give several stacks at a time. So it's longer again.
3. When you're looking for one or two special items, you need luck (I think) ; I just get 4 balloons but I'm looking for more; I need to wait for more feathers, for more items and I'm pretty sure soon enough Pavé will ask me the famous three multicolor feathers. Four items in one I already have and don't really need... too bad, isn't it?
4. Villagers dancing around and running after you are... embarrassing at a time? I would prefer they act most of the time normaly; just sometimes, a little dance, a little sing... and they are talking the whole day about the event. That bores me.

But I love this event more than all the others I did (I miss some infortunately, I'm sure they were pretty cool as well, like Christmas, Halloween, I don't remember the name but it never happens with the food...) and again, I love the items!
The point is I want to collect the different variants.

My complaint is that I want to collect them but at some point I HAVE NO OPTION to get regular furniture until I make a SECOND (third, fourth, whatever) float. I HAVE to make duplicate floats. The game will not allow me to get more variants. It will let me exchange ONLY a float, which costs me feathers I do not want to use on a FORCED FLOAT. Sorry if I sound annoyed but I don't know how to make it any clearer.
Forget to score: 7 for me.
And oops, thought no one was going to post in the same time; sorry for the almost double-post!
I thought it was pretty cute. Seeing everyone all dressed up and dancing was adorable, and the ability to trade feathers easily meant that it didn't feel too grindy. My one gripe is that I wish the rainbow feathers would stack! I wasn't interested in getting every colour variation of every item from Pave, so instead I thought I'd just make/collect a good amount of rainbow feathers in case I wanted to customise a few things later - then I discover they don't stack, and now I have several rows of them squeezed into my already cramped storage :LOL:
The point is I want to collect the different variants.

My complaint is that I want to collect them but at some point I HAVE NO OPTION to get regular furniture until I make a SECOND (third, fourth, whatever) float. I HAVE to make duplicate floats. The game will not allow me to get more variants. It will let me exchange ONLY a float, which costs me feathers I do not want to use on a FORCED FLOAT. Sorry if I sound annoyed but I don't know how to make it any clearer.
I have more bad news for you. You can't even customize the Festivale Float. There is literally no other special event item you can get other than the Festivale Float. I'm not trying to argue with, I'm just saying that this is all that the event has to offer. I can tell you something you can get the Float again if you had additional users on your island if you wanted too. There is no other way I can say this but if you were expecting to get different items or diys I'm sorry to say but there is no such thing. Again all you're getting is 1 Rainbow Feather DIY and 1 event item which is the Festivale Float. Thats it.