
yeah they seem to flock around you when you stay in one place terraforming or decorating. I find it annoying but also cute, since I feel like its part of the gameplay lol. if I really dont want them to bother me though (like if im doing major terraforming) I'll block the area off with water or fencing.
I so far have not really had this happen while terraforming (at least not that I can remember), BUT they do tend to sit down in spot where the path is slim and I can't fit. It doesn't bother me too much since it's never too serious I guess, but I could see how this could get annoying 😅

Also as some users have already mentioned, I do feel like the villagers sort of track where you are to come and hang out with you, which I do find a little cute :) Today as I was getting ready to tear down an entire cliffside to set up for a new zone, I was taking out all the unwanted flowers and Papi was for whatever reason just working out nearby... Even though his house is on the literal opposite of the island. I appreciate him wanting to be around me, but it was definitely random 😂
Sit down next to them, pull out your camera, and watch them get up and walk away. I don't know if this actually works, but you know, they tend to leave when you want to take photos of them.
I noticed this too. Every time I terraform or lay down paths, at least one villager will always be nearby. It's cute but can be annoying once they sit down.

It happens not only when terraforming though. When I fish or decorate for long periods of time on a certain part of my island, a villager or two will always make their way there. My northeast area is rarely trod upon by my villagers but when I stay there for a long time, they also go there, surprisingly.

I think the game may have programmed villager paths to be tied with your activities and location.
I feel this pain.

Since I recently flattened my island, I have being doing a lot of terraforming. My villagers are constantly hanging around and staring at me while I'm doing it. 😂 They don't always plop down right on the spot where I'm working, but they do walk back and forth near me a lot, and I'm constantly having to nudge them out of the way.
They also like to dump useless crap onto you, to and fill your much needed inventory slots, that would be full of trees, bushes and whatever else during terraforming, causing you to make countless trips to the bin.
I've not really had this problem so far while terraforming, though I've mostly been working on the back of the island recently and my villagers seem to have a fear of the back as they're nearly all always somewhere around the front. They do manage to get in the way every time I cross a river using a 'stepping stone' rather then a bridge as they always sit down in the spot I want to jump to so I can't cross and often they'll hang around while I'm trying to place objects down, especially if its a chair - one of them will sit down on it as soon as it hits the ground so I have to wait for them to move so I can move it to the right spot.
The last two post above mine are some of the issues I’ve dealt with as well earlier today, which was a bit tiresome after a while unfortunately. ^^;
I can’t recall if terraforming exist in NL but if NH is the first game in the franchise to introduce the mechanics then I can see why it’s an oversight on the developers’ / programmers’ ends. Though it’s still taxing for people who wish to work on reforming a large part of the island, if not entirely.
Personally I feel like it would be nice if villagers can detect construction is in progress and doesn’t approach my character within a set distance. Or at least give my character an opinion to use a megaphone as a fun / easier to get nearby villagers to move out of the way - if that makes sense to anyone aha. ^^’
yeah my observations are same as you, and i honestly think the villagers are programed to be that way. Whenever I start terraforming, something is triggered and immediately all the surrounding villagers start congregating and hanging out around the area. And for whatever reason, they always successfully predict the exact spot that I want to build a cliff or carve out water and to plop their butts on XD --> i find that though if you start running toward them continuously they will eventually get up and move to other places to sit down.
Every time I would try to make a snowboy, Erik would be there, in the way, without fail.

I run into this problem only when I'm working on paths.Those wandering NPC's like that stupid beaver fish guy are more of a problem when terraforming.That beaver seems to be on my island every other day.
If I do alot of terraforming, I do it at night. They sleeping and the most issue you will get out of them is how you made a bunch of noise last night lol. I also find that if you island is completely wiped you will get bombarded by multiple villagers at once. It helps to have a paved area somewhere with things on it with a small pond just to help keep them occupied.
I hear this a lot but I don't have this problem a ton? I mean I do have ten villagers so someone is usually wondering around nearby, but I don't always run into them when I am decorating and / or terraforming.
I'm not a huge terraformer either though so maybe that's the desparity lmao.
I personally find it kind of doofy and silly when they come check out what I'm doing. I know it can be annoying but I take it pretty light-heartedly.
Every single time I am trying to make another water display a islander will just run up to me so they can greet me and then just sit down.
Or they just stand there and stare so I have to be rude and walk into them to push them away but then just keep walking back to the spot to just stand there and do nothing :(
Honestly the whole mechanic of how the villagers decide to do things seems intrinsically linked to where you are. I feel like they are coded to roughly track to where you are if they're nearby, and more likely to perform an action while on screen, to make it feel like you see them and they are actively doing things more often.
However this just creates an effect where whenever you get near them, you're much more likely to see them stop or start doing something - with the stopping immediately screwing up any pictures you want to take if you walk in on them doing something, and the starting screwing up any terraforming you might be doing because the first step is for them to try to get nearer before changing their action.

I really wish they would patch it so if you open your phone(/the photo/terraforming app) all villagers are locked into their current action. If they're singing or sitting or having a bout of the zoomies, then they keep doing that until you close the app again, and then they can change action.
YES! I cannot count how many times I've had my photos ruined by a villager that decided to stop doing something and run off somewhere else. Especially when I want to sit next to them.
They're peacefully protesting the destruction of their land and streams! 😤😛

But yeah. They used to block my jump spots from before I had bridges to a get across the rivers.
They're peacefully protesting the destruction of their land and streams! 😤😛

But yeah. They used to block my jump spots from before I had bridges to a get across the rivers.
When I block them off using fences they will have no chance of getting through.
LOL consider yourself lucky because mine not only block my way, they also ask me to do them favors, even when im on the upper levels of a cliff that ive just created!