
I have just put one beside my house and the other at my shop. As you say it is so useful for when you have full pockets and either need to sell stuff or put it into storage. I just wish it was easier to use more than two pipes as I would love to have one by my secret beach. I don’t go there often but it is a pain to reach with ladders when Redd comes 🥺
Thank you very much for these! I have not actually booted up my game for a week or so despite the exciting update but I will be using some of these tips when I do! I think for me the main function of the pipes will be to make transactions with online players far more efficient and wanderer/robber proof! It would honestly take a lot of anxiety out of the process. I really love the idea of using them for storage cleanouts as well! This is a great idea.

Also means less awkward/tedious conversation on a slow keyboard when people come over for transactions. If they use the pipe (which will be fenced in with the airport), there will be no more need for stressful small talk.
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Didn’t even think about using it for villager trades, that’s really clever!

Surely these pipes are a game changer for the trading scene outside of TBT. ^^
So many options I want to consider here. I like the secret beach option, if only Redd would come more often to make it worth my while!
I have one hidden behind my house buried among trees and roses and the second one up the very back of my island as that is now the new area I am building and my goodness is it easier to go back and forth to collect supplies
Honestly these tips are really helpful. I didn’t even thing to use them to help with storage or bells when going to nooks. I didn’t even know you could place and use them in your house.
Knowing all this really make me thing that they will be very valuable as I was just going to pass on them before ready this
3. Getting you out of trouble with Wasps: Ah yes those pesky wasps are always a trouble and you don't have a way to escape them. Usually you would enter a building to get rid of them but then there is none nearby. No Problem you can use the pipe to escape. Basically put it next to the trees where the wasps would spawn. If they do spawn run quickly to the pipe and when you jump in the wasps go away and then you can go back and get the wasp nest. So yeah this will be helpful for people who have problems escaping wasps.
You could also have your character hold a Net and shake the tree as they immediately turn to the correct direction and it would be a case of pressing the A button once and you would catch the Wasp every time as long as it was shaken in this pattern.


F = Flower.
T = Tree.
ES = Empty Space.
P = Player.
These are some really useful tips, I hadn't really considered placing a pipe inside the house but the suggestion to use it to sell storage items quickly or as a way to empty pockets easier are both really good ideas. My island home isn't too far from my Nooks Cranny but it always feels really time consuming trying to sort through the storage and going backwards and forwards between the two to sell items so the warp pipe inside the house tip is a great help :D
Can you gift one to a villager and pop into their house while they’re sleeping? 😂
Can you gift one to a villager and pop into their house while they’re sleeping? 😂
Nope, I don’t think you can travel to villager houses, regardless of if they are inside or outside. That would be hilarious though!!

If Redd comes to my island, I’ll be setting up warp pipes so people can get to him easier. This could also be useful on a cataloging island; “hop in the warp pipes to get to the ____!”