
For one thing, I'd make Nook Miles variants orderable once you've unlocked them. Maybe just charge a slightly higher fee for the non-native ones? I'm drowning in Nook Miles with not much to spend them on. For example, I wish I could order a different variant of lighthouse myself. I got stuck with the yellow one and I hate it. Don't want more of that one and there hasn't been a lot of demand for it.
I agree...there isn't enough to spend them on, or enough incentive to keep collecting them.

I have about 100,000 NMT, and I don't try to collect them at all. I just don't have anything to spend them on. Once in a while, I will have a villager move out. But, I'm not nearly as picky as some people when it comes to replacements. I'll usually find a character I like after 6 or 7 mystery islands. So...it's not like I need dozens and dozens of island tickets when that happens. I just have this stockpile of NMT that I will never have a use for. I mean...it doesn't really matter. They're not exactly harming anything. But, they're definitely useless to me. I'm never excited when I get more of them.
i wish that either the items were customizable, there were more of them, or both. as much as i like trading wit other people online i don't want to feel like i *have* to do it just to get the item color i want.

also, in terms of nook miles tickets i'd make them cheaper like maybe 1000 each? just so it doesn't feel so much like playing a gacha game where you just grind to get a few, and then don't even run into the villager you were looking for :/
I honestly quite like the items you can get from it... but at the same time, I need MORE

I need Nook and Isabelle’s winter clothing. I need the raccoon wall clock. I need more public-amenity things, like the water windmill from DnMe+ or the zen bell. I need things that’ll make me spend the 500,000-odd Nook Miles I’ve got without spending them on Nook Miles tickets, the currency of choice for Nookazon scalpers and people who spend amazing amounts of time travelling between small islands for Popular Glasses Cat... or just cashing them in for Bell Vouchers.
I'd love to have more themed furniture in the nook miles section. Just like we already have amusement park themed stuff, I'd love to have some more themed indoor furniture like cafe or shop stuff (display cases, food cases, cash registers, etc) and even more outdoor themed DIYs to decorate our islands more. More Nook themed items would be fun too, especially handheld things like tumblers or snacks, or the things that villagers hold (picnic baskets, purses, etc)
I agree the nook mile system could be so much better. Even if they made the color variations random. It would be nice if every once in awhile the color changed. I have so many nook miles. It’s too bad you can’t order them after you trade for them. I get trading the first time. But I really don’t want to keep trading if I I need more of a color.
I think the items suck.

Where's the windmill?
Statue fountain?
Zen Bell?
Wisteria Trellis?
Flower Arch?
Street Lamp Types?
Bench Types?

How about a decent Pocket Camp style hammock, instead of the miserable one we have now. :(

Anything decent would have been nice, but for me, it's unusable garbage.

I've waited a year for ONE DECENT NL item to make a return, and they haven't added a damn thing.
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i wish they'd add the public work projects from NL like the jungle gym or the bus stop, that would be so cool and i'd spend all my nook miles on them 💖

i also wish we could select a bunch of things and order them in 1 go, that would be so much easier than spending 5 minutes ordering 1 item or printing off 1nmt

nintendo's gotta update this soon
I have said it for a long time, but I think they should change the items for the holidays every single year and have the past years’ items show up in the Nook Stop purchasable with Nook Miles.
They could easily add more items. I don't know what past games had, but like, I have been wanting Ferris Wheels that match the teacup rides. They could add stuff like fire hydrants or stop lights. Or maybe flower garden stuff like more topiaries or arches. I really like how they did the manhole cover. Maybe they could make more items that operate like that item.
agreed! i have close to 1,000,000 nook miles and absolutely nothing to spend them on but hopefully some new stuff will get added in eventually.
Here's a wild idea: being able to access some of the beautiful and detailed pocket camp items over the nook miles stop. After all there is the option of getting some PC items - why not include a few more of the seasonal ones that are rotated and updated on PC? Some of them are very intricate and maybe too detailed/big for NH - but the designs are so stunning!! I'd love to see some of them over at NH. It would give the Nook Miles program another purpose with seasonal PC items.

I would also appreciate the items that were available in NL. I loved the wisteria trellis for example.

As people mentioned before me I find it incredibly frustrating having to re-buy other nook mile colour variants because they are not orderable/unlockable. I for one would really like to have a lot of pink and blue public benches but I have to keep buying them off of people because I simply cannot reorder that item myself. whyhyyyyy?? I do not enjoy paying extra money for nintendo online just to get some matching items??
Yes. It would be nice if we could get more colours and more items. I know have 200,000 NMT ticket and not a whole lot to spend on them. I have a ton of Amibo cards with all my dreamies, so I don't even really need to go to the islands often. I went recently to look for villagers that I wouldn't have amibos for, just for fun.

I kind of get where you're coming from, but tbh, I like not having to stress over farming nook miles for stuff. Instead just having it be something I can easily grab x thing from as needed. especially as the point I am in the game means the main milestone rewards get achieved at an amazingly slow rate, to the point where they almost may not exist
I really want the fortune cookies back, that could be a good way to spend miles IF there are enough items to collect.

A lot of the Pocket Camp furniture is old enough to be implemented in New Horizons without affecting that game much. Great oppurtunity for more cookies. Maybe they could cycle.
I think this could be easily remedied with just adding new items frequently with patches, perhaps reworked Pocket Camp reward items as another poster has suggested. I definitely love the idea of Nook Miles though.