
Yeah, it's really disappointing. I love the concept since it's not unlike the MEOW Coupons from the Welcome Amiibo update but, when you get down to it, there isn't really that much stuff to buy with them, most especially not a full year after the game's release. I'm sitting at 300 000 Nook Miles but it's not like I was trying to amass a lot or anything: it just kind of happened as I kept playing the game on a semi-regular basis.

But to be honest, I also just... dislike the branding of it. It was cute at first but having Tom Nook located at the town hall and also being on the currency and also being responsible for the entire trip here makes it feel like the entire island is just one big Tom Nook themed park as opposed to your own little community. In New Leaf, Nook sells you a house, yes, but you were still the one in charge of stuff. I don't know if what I'm saying makes sense but I feel like it just removes part of the charm of New Leaf on top of everything else :/
I would like for us to be able to customize the colors of items. The color locking in a blatant attempt to gest people to sign up for the NSO service to trade for other colors is a bit much and way too obvious.

Of course they are just colors and they don't do anything to change the function of what they do but being locked in one color and having to pay to get different colors by trading really can stifle people.

And I agree, they should add more items. There are so many lighthouses that one needs.
Yeah, we definitely need more options for things to get with the miles. Honestly, one thing that they could have done was make customizable kits something you get with miles. That would definitely make us have more reason to do tasks to get miles!

Maybe the seasonal items should be part of the Nook Miles program instead of being in the normal shop!
I was thinking that the miles could be used to unlock islands or NPCs. I like having something that you can work towards. Also, since it's miles and all, it's kinda fitting to unlock destinations. If not, maybe amenities for the island, such as the Roost, Police Station, etc.
The Nook Miles and the NM items are the results of New Leaf's Meow coupons. It's nice that you can collect more miles a day because there were only like a handful you could get in NL. The only thing they should had done differently was recycle/alternate what you can buy on the rewards program like they did with Harv and RV campers.

If they would had just done that then it wouldn't be so bad. Or even give us the chance to pick from color versions of all the stuff instead of making them time locked. People years from now are going to be stuck with whatever color is locked to their island when people aren't actively playing this anymore. This game won't have a lot of longevity if all of this stuff becomes locked behind restrictions.
I would like better recipes. Instead of just Robot Hero as a big goal recipe, I would've liked to be able to build a gazebo or folly or shed or iron arch or greenhouse or other outdoor buildings. Tents you can go in or under would also be neat.
It definitely needs an improvement, starting by adding more useful items. They are plenty of PWPs from NL left which they could easy add as Nook Miles rewards. Even if some of them may ending being expensive, I'm pretty sure lots of people would be ready to pay any amount just to have them back.

For one thing, I'd make Nook Miles variants orderable once you've unlocked them. Maybe just charge a slightly higher fee for the non-native ones? I'm drowning in Nook Miles with not much to spend them on. For example, I wish I could order a different variant of lighthouse myself. I got stuck with the yellow one and I hate it. Don't want more of that one and there hasn't been a lot of demand for it.
Gosh, I wish they would have done it that way right from the beginning. It kinda starts to get annoying that you have to trade with others to get the different variations. I'm also having a good amount of Nook Miles left and would prefer it if I could order something of any color on my own, rather than searching yet again for someone who may want to trade with me (nothing against trading with other people, it's just very time consuming and most of the time doesn't solve the problem of having lots of Nook Miles left which become useless over the time).