
This is so true. I rushed to “finish” my island as well when I first got the game and I had so many random areas decorated just for the sake of being decorated that I ultimately didn’t even really like. I just wanted my island to look like the screenshots of amazing islands that were super decorated. I took a bit of a break from the game a couple months ago and when I came back, I demolished a few areas and started slowly redoing different parts, and honestly I can say I love my island so much now. Before when I used to go visit dream islands I would feel kinda sad about the state of my own islands because I thought other islands were so much better than mine and mine would never be that good; now, every dream address I visit I’m like “my island is way better than this” lol. And like you said, it definitely took time to come up with my own ideas and create those! But ultimately I’m very happy with how my island is even though I still have a few spots that are “incomplete.”
Also, let’s stop comparing our islands to other peoples islands. I used to browse AC instagrams so much and feel like such a failure with my island. Not everyone is a decorator and not everyone has the same playing style. Some people play to decorate and design and others just want to fish and hunt for bugs while hanging out with their villagers, both are OKAY!

I would get so wrapped up about wanting to make my island look perfect, but guess what? some people have to work or take care of families or have school work that needs to be done. Some people don’t have the time and hours to sink into it, so don’t feel pressured to have this perfect looking island.

Just play how you want to play and know that’s it’s enough!
THIS. Anytime I see those super impressive decorative islands on instagram and then I think my island is a steaming pile of nothingness, but in reality not only do I have a life and it isn't fair to compare my island to others, but also those crazy islands are usually impossible to walk around so 😬