
yeah, basically as stated above

the games have always encouraged trading via making certain items/variants harder, if not outright impossible to get on your own

even the color/design variants do something similar to the older games' 'rare' item pool, with the alternate color display item in nook's
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also, if I'm gonna be blunt, the game is amazingly generous with letting you obtain most color variants outside of the expensive display items and nook mile rewards on your own

the daily non-island standard color variant at nook's, redd sells non-island standard color variants of his non-art wares, you can get any variant afaik from balloon presents plus I believe tree furniture, I'm fairly certain villagers can give you variants you don't have as well, and I even feel like I'm missing something more here

this is like an amazing level of options available compared to past games, tbh, so you as you're willng to persevere
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I've played an island in New Leaf with not much trading at all for a year. In that time, I managed to get all orderable furniture in that game. The only things that I couldn't get in the game in that time were unorderables: Certain Redd artwork, perfect fruit not native to my own town, and weeding day/region-locked/amiibo card items.

The curse of New Horizons is that orderables are made town-exclusive. This to me is not necessary, as there's an easy loophole due to being orderable: Touch cataloging. The forums here expliot it via catalog islands, so that people gain the ability to order any piece of furniture they wish.

One of the Joys of getting furniture, however, is looking in the shop - and even more, looking in the shop of your own town. But what's the point of that if the shops themselves self cripple their selection? At least the rarity system of new leaf gave you a chance that any piece of orderable furniture could show up.
I completely agree. I see no reason for them to have made furniture colour blocked other than to promote trading with other people online. Which is ridiculous because New Leaf didn't have colour blocked furniture and it was/is still a largely social game that people trade items in?? I feel like they did it with New Horizons specifically because you need a paid online membership in order to play with others. With New Leaf you could trade/buy items from other players if you wanted to get them faster but you could've gotten the furniture yourself as well if you had the patience and I feel like they wanted to avoid that.

The fact that we can customize the colours of furniture we craft even shows that the possibility is there, they just chose not to implement it. Plus we can sometimes get another version of the item from balloons and that just makes things more frustrating, in my opinion. If my Nooks only sells the Yellow Cute Set and I get a surprise Blue Cute Bed from a balloon what am I supposed to do with that? It doesn't match the other pieces of the set that are available to me. This is something that happened with my diner set too. I think my Nooks sells either red or pink? Whichever it sells I've gotten pieces of the furniture in the other colour from balloons. I don't mind the way the red & pink look together but it's still frustrating.

We already have a shockingly small amount of buyable furniture in this game so not allowing Nooks to sell the different colours/variants of them is silly! I have no need for the cute yellow bed to continuously pop up in my shop. If I wanted the yellow version I would've bought it the first time and if I wanted a second I could just order it. They should also be selling the other colours instead of just the same one every dang time if they aren't going to let me customize it myself. The RNG system is already terrible for which items my Nooks gets and the fact that they're always the same version of it makes it more frustrating, in my opinion.

The Nook Mile Items are extra frustrating because they don't fall from balloons as far as I know so you're totally stuck with the default colours your island has. And I dunno, I feel like if the items are special enough to be ~Nook Mile Items!~ instead of regular ol' buyable-with-bells items that they should fall into the same category as craftable items. They should be customizable, too.
For real? So every day there's an item in the store that isn't your normal colour? I've never heard that before. Maybe I'm super blind because I've never noticed, I just see the same colours I always get 😲
Never EVER seen a non island color in Crooks.

Only at Redd's, and via balloons.
For real? So every day there's an item in the store that isn't your normal colour? I've never heard that before. Maybe I'm super blind because I've never noticed, I just see the same colours I always get 😲
leftmost item of the main furniture displays is a non-expensive variant, iirc

though even if I'm misremembering this, everything else still checks out
leftmost item of the main furniture displays is a non-expensive variant, iirc

though even if I'm misremembering this, everything else still checks out
Oh, I'll start paying more attention to it then. I'm not sure how I never noticed before lol. I wish they did the expensive furniture as well though.
leftmost item of the main furniture displays is a non-expensive variant, iirc

though even if I'm misremembering this, everything else still checks out
I will have to look tomorrow. I don’t remember it being a variant.
I just looked and the leftmost item is my islands regular white rattan armchair.

Never had anything other than my island's color.
I've never liked how Animal Crossing basically forces people to play online just to get certain items in a reasonable amount of time. Sure, right now you can just go on TBT or any trading site, but what about in a decade when they shut the servers down? In Wild World for example, the final shop upgrade requires one visitor to your town, which in 2021 either means you have multiple cartridges and DS systems, found the one other person in your city who also still plays and can visit you locally (good luck with that), or you hacked your DS to use a private server. Restricting features behind an online service which is going to be discontinued one day just results in your game aging badly.
I've never liked how Animal Crossing basically forces people to play online just to get certain items in a reasonable amount of time. Sure, right now you can just go on TBT or any trading site, but what about in a decade when they shut the servers down? In Wild World for example, the final shop upgrade requires one visitor to your town, which in 2021 either means you have multiple cartridges and DS systems, found the one other person in your city who also still plays and can visit you locally (good luck with that), or you hacked your DS to use a private server. Restricting features behind an online service which is going to be discontinued one day just results in your game aging badly.
Thats exactly my point and Nintendo really needs to add a trading feature in this game. Its something that has been long overdue and its something that many people have been doing a lot of recently. Like you said people do trade on this site and other trading sites like Nookazon but still it takes a long way just to go to someone's island to do the trade because of the constant loading screens.

I do know in Pocket Camp there is a Marketplace where you can list items and set a price for the person to get the item they want but its only restricted with bells so there is no way to like trade items for ones you want. I would really want them to take that concept and add it to New Horizons but to give us the freedom to choose what items we want to trade with and what we want in return besides bells without having to go all the way to someone's island just to do the trade. It could be like say a new app for our Nookphone if that were to become true.

I know this is just speculation and wishful thinking but that is something that this game really needs and it would give people a reason to trade with others and it won't be as so tideous than what we are doing now. I mean another Nintendo game called Pokemon has trading in it so why not give that concept to Animal Crossing? It would make trading items so much more easy especially for different color variants.
I dislike the variants thing as well it makes it much harder and time consuming to acquire the furniture variants you want. I feel like Nintendo might of done this to promote/encourage more sales of Nintendo Online.
When I started playing the game, this was the thing that was most discouraging to me. You only have certain colors of items and they aren't even a matching set (in the Nookstop). Then the Nook's Cranny only carries a certain color of each set and if you don't want that color, you're outta luck unless Redd brings what you want. But neither the Nooks Cranny nor Redd have very many items. It's so annoying. I don't mind trading for items to the point that it's a deal breaker, but I would much much prefer that it was possible to order more items within the game.
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100% agree. Aside from the breakable tools, this is probably my personal biggest issue with NH. If the most effective way for us to get our hands on different furniture variants is by hoping and praying we get them from balloons or the random tree furniture on mystery islands...there's definitely a problem with the system, especially for those who don't have any people to be able to trade with.

Yes, the breakable tools are also awful. Good point.
I don’t get why we can’t just customize everything to be a different color. It’s annoys me soooo much.
I am not sure what they were thinking with this design choice but I find myself having to make so many trades just to get color variants I wanted for my island.

And since you need a Nintendo Switch Online subscription in order to be able to trade, this means that what they wanted was for you to pay for that subscription so you could get the color variants you wanted. I mean, in the end, it's not that expensive if you share the subscription with other people and if you play other games, but I understand why someone would be reluctant to pay for that subscription only for one game. You'd have to play a lot of conduct a lot of trades in order to get your money's worth.
And since you need a Nintendo Switch Online subscription in order to be able to trade, this means that what they wanted was for you to pay for that subscription so you could get the color variants you wanted. I mean, in the end, it's not that expensive if you share the subscription with other people and if you play other games, but I understand why someone would be reluctant to pay for that subscription only for one game. You'd have to play a lot of conduct a lot of trades in order to get your money's worth.
Yeah the main reason they locked so much basic stuff behind Online/trading was to get more money off of people :( I mean after paying big bucks for the console and the game I'm sure many aren't pleased when they find out they have to pay even more just to access the full game... it's ok if you have several games and already use Online for them but when you just wanted New Horizons and are used to the previous games not needing subscriptions it's pretty annoying.

It actually makes my respect for Nintendo go down seeing them do that.
Honestly I hate the island variant idea. It really does gatekeep certain items, and while it encourages online play and making friends to get certain items, it is quite tedious. I enjoyed it a lot more when all variants of an item were available right away. That said, we definitely need a lot more items in game. I also wish if you didn’t have an island variant of an item, you could customise it instead.
I wish that Nooks would rotate seasonally, so if you want all of the variants now, you can go trade online, but if you wait long enough, the variants will eventually be for sale on your island.

There's also far too many color variants for rattan furniture. Like, for real, we don't need brown, tan and reddish-brown, plus white, grey and black.