
While there are games I take more seriously (e.g. Fire Emblem), Animal Crossing is not one of them. For this reason, I don't feel we need anything new, I'm rather happy with the way the game is now. Of course, it'd be awesome to get more updates, and I'm sure we will, but I don't necessarily feel like we need to rush toward them.
If there is nothing new for the rest of 2021, how is it going to keep the game refreshing?
If there is nothing new for the rest of 2021, how is it going to keep the game refreshing?

I don't really feel like there needs to be a refreshing, since I'm fine with the game with how it is now and don't feel the need for anything new. Updates are always exciting, it's just the sense of urgency for updates is not there for me. But I know I'm the odd one out in that matter compared to the rest of the NH community.

Regardless, no new updates for the rest of 2021 is unlikely, in my opinion.
I don't really feel like there needs to be a refreshing, since I'm fine with the game with how it is now and don't feel the need for anything new. Updates are always exciting, it's just the sense of urgency for updates is not there for me. But I know I'm the odd one out in that matter compared to the rest of the NH community.

Regardless, no new updates for the rest of 2021 is unlikely, in my opinion.
What you're saying is not really strong, because remember Nintendo clearly state that they plan on supporting this game for the 3 to 4 years. Its not like they are going to make it stay the same. Whenever a game no matter if its AC or not it needs to have new updates and content to keep the game going. Without that many people will get bored of the game and stop playing.

You may not understand this so well but the truth is that the game needs to have more content in order to keep itself fresh and new for old and new players regardless if you like the game or not. I am not trying to attack you for having a different opinion, but I am just saying how it is where when you have a game being supported for so long and yet there are many people wanting a new update.

You can say whatever you want, but the fact is that the game is going to get updated in the future with new content, of course we don't know when its going to happen. You may not care about it, but there is many other people that do care about it because they want to keep playing the game.
I agree with a lot of the sentiments expressed here, but the one thing that I would qualify as a "concern" of mine is how every update so far has been called a "Free Update", which implies, you know.... Oh how my wallet will weep when these become paid updates.......
I agree with a lot of the sentiments expressed here, but the one thing that I would qualify as a "concern" of mine is how every update so far has been called a "Free Update", which implies, you know.... Oh how my wallet will weep when these become paid updates.......
I dont think it implies that
To me its their way of telling people not to worry about paying

Of course I can see why one might disagree but the thought has never crossed my mind.
I'm not even sure how to do paid dlc
nobody on this post has asked for an adventure game or a storyline or anything - people are literally just asking for features that were in old games (which appeared in those games even despite the limited hardware of the consoles they were on). you can see that as ‘asking for a reboot of old games’ if you want, but the only reason that people are even asking for those things in the first place is because there’s literally next to nothing FROM old games in new horizons. more than half of the NPC’s are missing, a ton of old shops/areas are missing, and there’s frankly nothing to do anymore. nobody is asking for anything new - they’re asking for a proper animal crossing game.
Preach! I'm tired of people acting like I'm ridiculous for wanting the bare minimum basic features from previous games. Typically, a game builds upon and progresses from its predecessors, not regresses. Why are we being made out as "ungrateful" for being concerned that they have undone much of the series' progress? All of the other games have taken the previous game as a foundation and BUILT upon it. This game, on the other hand, took away most of that progress in lieu of turning it into a world builder.

I just think it's so funny when people act like the updates have given us "new" and amazing content, when the majority of the stuff they have given us is just the basic features we've already played in previous games--stuff that should have already been in the base game.
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Preach! I'm tired of people acting like I'm ridiculous for wanting the bare minimum basic features from previous games. Typically, a game builds upon and progresses from its predecessors, not regresses. I just think it's so funny when people act like the updates have given us "new" and amazing content, when the majority of the stuff they have given us is just the basic features we've already played in previous games--stuff that should have already been in the base game.
I think it comes down to a difference in opinion of what counts as the "bare minimum"
I think the stuff that got cut was expendable and in some cases better

The mirror for example and the post card stand. Just improvements in my eyes. Cuts the dead weight.

There aren't the same sets as before but we also got new ones. Since the focus isn't on decorating the house any more it makes sense to me. I like the stuff we have now.

I think the heart of the game is still there so all the requirements, or the bare minimum as you put it, have been met and exceeded.

You can't expect a game to have all the same stuff as the last one, or else the latest mario game would have about a million levels on it. Sometimes improvements aren't just cutting and pasting something but making it prettier.

I will give you though that outside of pumpkins, the game has not had an update that brought something brand new to the series. But we got some cool new items so im happy enough.
I'm not expecting anything like that.
The moment we got diving, redd and leif, I was content.

Of course everyone has different standards but yeah.

Edit: since you edited in a part about being ungrateful, I will answer it.
Its because you aren't paying for any of the updates. They're free. They could have not touched the game after it went on sale but they're still adding stuff.

Normally when a game comes out and you don't like it, you get over it and find something else to play. But since new horizons gets updates, people have gained these huge expectations that they are owed something that they are not.

We should be happy when we get an update. Not angry it didn't give the features we wanted.
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New Horizons is a pretty strange experience compared to previous Animal Crossing games. I genuinely can't tell if they were pushed to release the game early and decided that they would just add things in via future updates or if they had always planned to have this sort of update model from the get go.

I loved New Leaf. I still love it and I still play it, though not as frequently as New Horizons. I feel like New Leaf really spoiled me in terms of what an Animal Crossing game could be and that makes the faults of New Horizons so much more apparent and frustrating. I haven't played any games prior to New Leaf so I can't comment on their features (I've heard they have better dialogue, I never got to really know Tortimer or other NPCs, etc.) but it feels so obvious that New Horizons is missing something. It doesn't need to be a carbon copy of New Leaf and I'm genuinely happy and interested in the idea behind New Horizons. Moving to a tropical island and building it up sounds really cool and seems like a way to build on being the mayor of our previous town. The addition of crafting, terraforming, being able to move buildings, etc. all sound like fantastic extensions and they make sense coming off of New Leaf.

The issue is, without a doubt, the execution. I do sincerely believe that New Horizons lost a lot of the charm that the Animal Crossing series has and I think they really missed the mark with how they're handling updates. New Horizons doesn't feel like an entire game at it's heart. Looking at the things we're currently missing and looking at all the things that have been added is really frustrating. The New Horizons I bought in March a year ago was an incomplete game, full stop. New Horizons at it's core should've already had mechanics from previous games (diving), NPCs, a wide array of hairstyles and colours, some sort of progression implemented (ie: I want to see my stores upgrade), and we should've seen some of the little quirks like not being able to bulk buy or bulk craft be worked out. The updates should be expanding on a game that's already there. I personally don't know if I really love the fact that they've hidden holidays behind updates either, and that definitely feels like a jab against people who time travel and a ridiculous way to pad out the game and keep players playing for longer.

The updates could be a really fun addition to the game we already had. Like adding in those fun skin tones or spooky eye colours for Halloween was cute. Little updates like that are totally welcome but we shouldn't be depending on updates and eagerly waiting for them to reveal fan favourite NPCs. It's ridiculous.

Excluding the update fiasco I feel like New Horizons is also just... bland. Which is a little funny because aesthetically it's the prettiest game and the villagers have more interactions which is cute. I love seeing them do yoga, dance, sing, carry food or bags (or wood lmao not sure what they're doing with it but Lolly seems to always be carrying logs), and sitting down enjoying the sun. Or their little magnifying glasses! Those are really cute little details. I'm not sure if they decided to focus on external villager details and put dialogue on hold but man. Dialogue in this game is rough. I don't need (or really want) my villagers to be mean to me but they should have some spark to them. I don't want the only time they run up to me to be to buy/sell items or teach me a reaction. I'd love to play games with my villagers! Invite them to my house/go to their house, have them randomly ask me quiz questions to tell me what it means when I say sunflowers are my favourite, etc. they could do so much more while still keeping the villagers sweet! I know people complained that New Leaf villagers were dull but they weren't this dull and its frustrating.

The fact that we aren't seeing shop updates or more NPC's adds to the blandness of the game, too. My island feels so empty. I have furniture placed around it but it's not the same as it would be if I had more shops, Brewsters, a little police station, etc. I would've loved to see my NPC's wandering around after their shops closed too! That would've been a really cute little addition and it would give us the option to talk to more NPCs sort of like how we get to talk to Sable outside of just, "I want to buy/sell/donate this".

I have also heard concerns about how this update model will affect physical copies of New Horizons in the future. When the Welcome Amiibo update for New Leaf sold we saw physical copies that were now called, "ACNL: Welcome Amiibo!" so you knew you'd buy that physical cartridge and everything would be included. That's really helpful. With New Horizons though so much is being released slowly through updates that I'm not sure how that'll be handled? If I buy a physical copy of New Horizons in 10+ years when Nintendo has pulled support on the Switches eShop am I going to be stuck with the base version of the game we saw released last year? Because that would be so frustrating.
I have also heard concerns about how this update model will affect physical copies of New Horizons in the future. When the Welcome Amiibo update for New Leaf sold we saw physical copies that were now called, "ACNL: Welcome Amiibo!" so you knew you'd buy that physical cartridge and everything would be included. That's really helpful. With New Horizons though so much is being released slowly through updates that I'm not sure how that'll be handled? If I buy a physical copy of New Horizons in 10+ years when Nintendo has pulled support on the Switches eShop am I going to be stuck with the base version of the game we saw released last year? Because that would be so frustrating.
This is something I've always voiced. Because if that is the case, the game won't progress from March 2020. No Leif, Redd, Holidays, ect.

You've pretty much typed out all of my concerns that I've voiced here and elsewhere at one point or another.

I think another issue is that the NH crew/Nintendo has mentioned how the game will be updated for 3 years. So that's why people expect and anticipate updates.
This is something I've always voiced. Because if that is the case, the game won't progress from March 2020. No Leif, Redd, Holidays, ect.

You've pretty much typed out all of my concerns that I've voiced here and elsewhere at one point or another.

I think another issue is that the NH crew/Nintendo has mentioned how the game will be updated for 3 years. So that's why people expect and anticipate updates.

You're probably who I'm remembering seeing it from, then! I was fairly certain I'd seen it on The Bell Tree, I just couldn't remember who had said it. It is 100% a very real concern because when I actually go back and take a look at the game we got in March 2020 so much was missing. I was upset when I bought the game last March! I'd be even more upset if I bought the game 10+ years down the line and knew there was additional content added that I just couldn't access because it wasn't already included in my physical copy of the game.

I really wish they hadn't gone this way with the game. I think having little updates to add extra bits of fun is one thing ie: updating to add in new seasonal furniture or clothes or whatever that they've just designed is completely welcome. I loved seeing brand new Bunny Day furniture being sold at Nooks. It was a small addition but it was really cute! Having the entire Bunny Day holiday hidden behind an update though? Not cool.

I hate how they've used these updates to hide base game content, though. NPCs, holidays, store upgrades etc should have all been here from the get go. Any future updates should've been treated as extra additions to an already complete experience. They shouldn't be using them in order to complete the game. :/
What you're saying is not really strong, because remember Nintendo clearly state that they plan on supporting this game for the 3 to 4 years. Its not like they are going to make it stay the same. Whenever a game no matter if its AC or not it needs to have new updates and content to keep the game going. Without that many people will get bored of the game and stop playing.

You may not understand this so well but the truth is that the game needs to have more content in order to keep itself fresh and new for old and new players regardless if you like the game or not. I am not trying to attack you for having a different opinion, but I am just saying how it is where when you have a game being supported for so long and yet there are many people wanting a new update.

You can say whatever you want, but the fact is that the game is going to get updated in the future with new content, of course we don't know when its going to happen. You may not care about it, but there is many other people that do care about it because they want to keep playing the game.

I mean, I know they said they would support the game for 3 to 4 years, but for all we know that could just imply technical support, bug fixes etc. It's unlikely, but you never know. It doesn't guarantee that you'll still be getting new content in 4 years time.

You seem confident that we will, which is fine (though going as far as to suggest the user you quoted didn't understand what they were talking about was a little weird. They just had a different opinion to you 🤷‍♀️) I'm not sure I share your faith. You're not wrong to want or expect more content, but no matter how badly we want it, they don't necessarily need to keep things fresh for old players. The updates are free (so far, at least) and Nintendo already has your money. Sure, they get a certain amount of cash from people maintaining online subscriptions, but it's not like that's an Animal Crossing exclusive thing. They know new players will continue to buy and enjoy the game for years to come, just as they continue to buy and enjoy New Leaf. Animal Crossing isn't some huge pay-monthly MMO - they don't need to incentivise you to keep playing forever, because they're not getting anything more from you. They only need to do the bare minimum to retain customer faith in the company, and that's it. They'll take our feedback and maybe change things up for the next instalment, and take our money all over again.

Again, I think it's unlikely that they won't continue to add to the game. I think we will continue to get updates, but I certainly don't expect many of the huge changes or massive additions people seem to be so sure are coming. I don't even know whether I think they're needed, but that's just personal opinion. There aren't many games that are intended to be played for years and years; that's why they make new ones, after all.
I mean, I know they said they would support the game for 3 to 4 years, but for all we know that could just imply technical support, bug fixes etc. It's unlikely, but you never know. It doesn't guarantee that you'll still be getting new content in 4 years time.

You seem confident that we will, which is fine (though going as far as to suggest the user you quoted didn't understand what they were talking about was a little weird. They just had a different opinion to you 🤷‍♀️) I'm not sure I share your faith. You're not wrong to want or expect more content, but no matter how badly we want it, they don't necessarily need to keep things fresh for old players. The updates are free (so far, at least) and Nintendo already has your money. Sure, they get a certain amount of cash from people maintaining online subscriptions, but it's not like that's an Animal Crossing exclusive thing. They know new players will continue to buy and enjoy the game for years to come, just as they continue to buy and enjoy New Leaf. Animal Crossing isn't some huge pay-monthly MMO - they don't need to incentivise you to keep playing forever, because they're not getting anything more from you. They only need to do the bare minimum to retain customer faith in the company, and that's it. They'll take our feedback and maybe change things up for the next instalment, and take our money all over again.

Again, I think it's unlikely that they won't continue to add to the game. I think we will continue to get updates, but I certainly don't expect many of the huge changes or massive additions people seem to be so sure are coming. I don't even know whether I think they're needed, but that's just personal opinion. There aren't many games that are intended to be played for years and years; that's why they make new ones, after all.
You can say whatever you want and I respect your opinion but also disagree. I personally think that the game will still be more played when they will add new features and improve on the gameplay. To each their own, but in my opinion the new content and improvements will help keep the game refreshing and give returning players a reason to come back so it doesn't feel much of the same. For example I know that New Leaf had its Welcome Amiibo update back in 2016 (3 years after the game came out) and that gave a lot of people a reason to come back to it because it offered new content and new features.

I know some people are fine with the game for what it is but again its their own opinion and I respect that. I'm just saying how if the game were to say the same in its current form it would not hold up too well if nothing is improved or nothing new added.
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You can say whatever you want and I respect your opinion but also disagree. I personally think that the game will still be more played when they will add new features and improve on the gameplay. To each their own, but in my opinion the new content and improvements will help keep the game refreshing and give returning players are reason to come back so it doesn't feel much of the same. For example I know that New Leaf had its Welcome Amiibo update back in 2016 (3 years after the game came out) and that gave a lot of people a reason to come back to it because it offered new content and new features.

I know some people are fine with the game for what it is but again its their own opinion and I respect that. I'm just saying how if the game were to say the same in its current formally it would not hold up too well if nothing is improved or nothing new added.

Sure, I get you. I'm wasn't trying to get into a discussion about whether or not the game needs more content. Of course the game would be improved if they added more to it, and of course it wouldn't hold up as well if nothing were improved. I'm just not sure how much Nintendo cares about that. I feel like if we're all still expecting a slew of new content way down the line because of this '3-4 years of support' comment, I think we're likely to be disappointed. I'd love to be proven wrong! Not least because it's depressing to think of this community being stuck in this same argument about updates for the next four years...
I made this thread over a month ago about my worries and concerns about this game and I remember people saying "Oh there is nothing to worry about" and "Oh what you are talking about the updates will come" but I just need to really say how I really feel at the moment.

I really hate to be a Debbie Downer, but we haven't seen anything "Surprising" or "New" so far this year. The updates this year just feel so sparse compared to last year. I really want to give Nintendo the benefit of the doubt because they are trying to at least say that they are supporting the game, but what we got just now is another small update. Its fine to have new items, but again if you're like me and you played this game last year the events are going to be the same as before. Yes I know its traditional in AC games to have events repeated, thats not the issue I have here. What I have an issue with is how Nintendo still refuses to put out a trailer and gives us screenshots of what to expect and of course its just new items. Still no new features or anything else we haven't seen before.

Of course there is something to be happy about getting new items, but of course just like always its just another item that you will have fun for a few hours and get bored of it quickly. This does not surprise me one bit because I knew that these events like the May Day, Stamp Rally, and Wedding season was going to be returning and anyone who was hoping for a 2.0 update is going to be very disappointed. I don't know what else to say, but this game is really becoming more stale and boring in 2021. Truth be told I have taken a break from this game for the past few months and I want to get back into but it just doesn't give me a reason to play it again when it lacks new features and refreshing content to enjoy. All this speculation is really getting tiring and repetitive to the point where it doesn't really give my hopes up for anything. I love New Horizons, but I will have to say that its really getting stale and not much is going on because of the lack of new content and features.
I feel the same way as well. The extra design slots are nice, but there isn't anything big with this update. I could care less about the Sanrio characters/items. I'm looking forward to actual game changes (updates to buildings and new items to buy. Would still love to see a shopping mall island or the option to buy an additional island. That would make me a happy camper.
I feel the same way as well. The extra design slots are nice, but there isn't anything big with this update. I could care less about the Sanrio characters/items. I'm looking forward to actual game changes (updates to buildings and new items to buy. Would still love to see a shopping mall island or the option to buy an additional island. That would make me a happy camper.
Same! Although the addition of sanrio villagers coming back was nice, I was expecting more. I really wanted new or something from an older game to return. And yes, about the second island! Especially if it was like the cabin from pocket camp where you could invite villagers who aren't in your campsite to hang out there. It would be a nice place to have villagers you don't want on the main island, but still somewhere.
I'm sure all of us know that events stay the same for the most part. Some newcomers to the series might not know that, but the majority of us know that and expect the events to be the same. I knew May Day, Stamp day, and Wedding month were coming back and would be the same. It's nice that they're adding some new items to those events.

But they also got rid of the nature day+ tasks from last Earth day. So sometimes things don't come back. I think the majority who are disappointed at the update mostly being the same are the long-time fans who are kind of expecting beefier updates now. You know, for the basic stuff that has already been data-mined like Roost, gyroids, ect.

If they never plan on bringing beefier updates or some of the older basic/staple stuff, then that is that. But if they do plan on it, they really should be doing it now with it being year 2 and not waiting for the end of the game's life.