
Animal crossing is all about the journey.
Rewards over time. Having to put in the effort and there are no short cuts.

I like that terraforming is like that as well.
The process can be kind of painful at times, but I feel if it was easy, the victory of your island will feel hollow.

I've never flattened my island before, only making changes to what I have as I felt I needed them.
Done large works to pretty much all of the top left quatre of my island, some work to the top right, and the bottom half is pretty much untouched from when I started the game.

Its certainly one of the best features they have ever added in the series and I can't imagine playing animal crossing without it now.

But I would like it if they added something to indicate what the game thinks you are looking at. Because sometimes with waterscaping, where I think I'm looking and the game thinks I'm looking are 2 very different things.
When i unlocked terraforming, i flatten and filled everything. Not a pond or a river in site and then started building up cliffs, second levels, and rivers.

For me it’s easier to work with a blank canvas opposed to coming and trying to make something good out of what someone else did.

One thing i wish we could do with terraforming is have waterfalls flowing into the ocean. We have these peninsulas and we can’t even have the waterfall built on there flow in the ocean? ridiculous.

I also wish was the whole terraforming thing was just easier done. Like i get it we all look cute in our hard hats but making a river or pond block by block is unnecessary imo.
Well, hundreds of hours were poured into my island. I had to remove an entire cliff layer, them rebuild. It took so long, and I even pulled a few all-nighters to do it. I slammed m face against my pillow so many times. I really hope they make it easier.
i've only just started doing this... i think it's going well for me... i've made a land bridge.. & i've made part of my waterfall river a little bit slimmer to get my fences to fit :3

this is how it turned out.. i think it's looking pretty good :3
I need to fix my too straight river...hard to fish on it but haven't come up with new layouts
i totally get this. i think i also oscillate between feeling like i'm really good at terraforming and really awful at it. i'll tear down a whole area and flatten it and then i'll get struck with "oh my god i don't know how to terraform why did i do this how do i put everything back to the way it was before" and then once i start and finish a really nice area my ego will grow and i'll think i'm a god at waterscaping or something.
I only started New Horizons about a month and a half ago, so from my perspective I was SO impatient to get terraforming--I'd seen a lot of really cool islands online and on Youtube--but once I finally unlocked it I didn't even try to do anything with it for a week, I was so intimidated and didn't know where to start. I made some really wonky shapes before I got the hang of how the tools work. A reticle or highlighted square would be SO helpful, I honestly can't think of any reason not to have one...

Anyways I figured that the best way for me to go about terraforming is to only do one area at a time, otherwise I get overwhelmed. I also started with one corner of the island and have been building each area onto an already finished part sequentially. So, for example, I have an idea of what I want my museum area to look like, so I think about the best location and start fiddling with water and cliffs until I like what I see, then move the building in and put in trees and furniture and stuff. It takes a few days for each area, granted I don't have a lot of time to play during the week. I never flattened the island either--it's easier for me to change something to be how I like than to start from scratch. Overall I enjoy getting to sculpt the place, I feel like a kid with play-doh. I think I'll miss having an undeveloped island when I finally finish the whole thing.
i'm happy it's there for people who like to design/control everything about their island, but its inclusion means nothing to me. i genuinely don't remember the last time i whipped out the cliff or river editing tools. the most i've ever done, terraforming wise, is make a little set of cliff-waterfalls in my upper west corner because the entire left side of my map is otherwise flat. after that, i've only used the feature to widen a river, add in a few small waterfalls, inset my ramps, smooth/alter a few cliff edges, and add in some stepping stones for easier access across the island. nothing groundbreaking, and stuff i didn't really need to do. my cliffs and rivers are almost exactly as they were when i first started my island. as a whole, i just find terraforming tedious, and the payoff isn't worth the time invested for me personally. (the controls for it also aren't particularly intuitive.) i was one of those players who didn't really mind having my rivers, rocks and town layout (etc.) decided for me in previous games, so it makes sense that terraforming isn't really for me.
Definitely a love-hate relationship for me as well. On one hand, it's so cool seeing everything than can be done with it, and I love how much it can change the feel of an island.

On the other hand, it's so overwhelming! Don't know were to start! What to do! How to keep things connected so it doesn't look awkward! I'm constantly oscillating between keeping as much of my original map as possible to serve as a guideline, and just flattening everything so I can have more liberty and be more inspired. I'm glad now I've learned to just walk away from the game, instead of resetting like I've done so many times 😅.

Having to build everything block by block makes sense, otherwise "building your island" would be done in 2 days which goes against the slow rythm of AC games. But I wouldn't be against an update that helps you destroy stuff, since it's the most tedious part. Like maybe if you had an area completely barren you could ask Tom Nook at the resident's services to take a big chunk out of a cliff, or remove part of a river. If you had to pay a lot of bells to do it and you had to way for the next day, it could help keep the slow rythm. They could even have Resetti and his brother do it, since they're moles and he has a pickaxe.
But its just wishful thinking, I don't think they'll ever really change the terraforming mecanics.
Terraforming is an awesome new feature, but it desperately needs a QoL overhaul. That's all I will say about that. If we could disable auto-save for when we want to terraform, that would be a godsend to.

Thats a rly good QOL update idea. I always wish I could go back and eliminate chunks of terraforming whenever I work on my island=-.
Sorry if I'm wrong since I've never tried this, but is it possible to stop auto-save by disconnecting from the internet so that it can't be backed up on to cloud?
Thats a rly good QOL update idea. I always wish I could go back and eliminate chunks of terraforming whenever I work on my island=-.
Sorry if I'm wrong since I've never tried this, but is it possible to stop auto-save by disconnecting from the internet so that it can't be backed up on to cloud?
I don't think it would work, I always play on airplane mode but it still auto-saves. My understanding is that the cloud is useful for back-up and to transfer an island between switches, but your main/most recent save is stored on the console directly.
Terraforming is emotionally distressing. you basically have to go at it with extreme positive mental attitude or you'll have a breakdown (or at least... that's what it is like for me).

I wish they added an upgrade of sorts to the terraforming tools. like pay extra nookmiles tickets and get a cliff shovel that can build up/break down cliffs four squares at a time. Sort of like the tool upgrades in Stardew Valley.

The one block at a time thing makes my soul leave my body. especially when you have to be so exact in the placement of your character or you'll break down the cliff you just built up (or vice versa). And then having to move flowers and trees as you go, and not being able to put trees in your inventory so basically having to run around planting and re-planting them as you go just so you can have space in your invo.

We should be able to put trees in our storage. I mean we can put freakin' sharks in there. c'mon 'tendo - please.
I put off doing any sort of terraforming on my island for a long time as I wasn't really sure where I wanted to go with the overall design of my island and didn't want to mess anything up. After quite a few months though I decided to focus on decorating my island so gave terraforming a go, flattening my entire island and starting pretty much from scratch. To begin with I wasn't keen on it, I was pretty overwhelmed when I started with it and trying to get everything the way I wanted it often proved quite tricky, especially when building ponds or waterfalls on terraformed parts - trying to work out which parts would allow me to dig a waterway or which parts were too close to the edge.

Since the initial troubles though of getting into terraforming I've now grown to really like it and appreciate its inclusion in the game. I enjoy that there is now more freedom in the game to change the island layout from the initial map and make it the way I'd like it, obviously this still comes with problems as I still have ideas that don't always work out right when terraforming but overall I'd really miss the feature if it was no longer there.
Yah, it can be a hassle. It's both one of the best new features of the game (IMO, and I'm guessing a lot of other peoples) and one of the most time-consuming and potentially frustrating. But I feel like it's worth it when you're happy with your town, and it makes it easier when you're NOT happy. Like, I used to reset when I didn't like my town's layout after awhile. Now I can change 90% of the layout when I'm bored or frustrated with what I have. If I still don't like it... I can re-do it again. I wouldn't give up that freedom for anything, and that's why I'll probably never go back to ACNL, lol.

Though, personally, I don't terraform a ton. I specifically picked a town whose layout I liked and would more or less keep (I had a checklist of areas I wanted, and made sure I could make a rough plan for where it'd all go when I chose my layout). I've mostly used terraforming to do things like move rivers slightly, or smooth out cliffs, or dig out an area for my cemetery, or take down the cliff in front of my secret beach (I know it doesn't work for everyone, but I ADORE how I was able to redesign the secret beach without that cliff!), but I'm not the type to make elaborate waterfalls and winding cliffs with glorious landscapes. I kept things simple, and it was the perfect choice for me.
I'll always say it...
It would be better if they gave us upgrades for terraforming features that we earn so we don't always have the tedious task in our future after hundreds thousands of hours put in when we want a new look. It is so silly to only have block by block as an always method. Any other building game I have played gave the option for upgrading to make it a little smoother or easier. Yes it still takes time, but it is a tad faster and less annoying/tedious.
I really do enjoy having the option, but I think I'm just too lazy to redo my entire island. I've raised land and added some waterfalls. I've reshaped some river edges, but kept the flow of the river mostly the same. I do love the customization within this game, and I hope now they'll really start focusing on some of the villager interactions, NPC additions, and additional small games that could be played. I miss a lot of what is already in NL in this game.
I really do enjoy having the option, but I think I'm just too lazy to redo my entire island. I've raised land and added some waterfalls. I've reshaped some river edges, but kept the flow of the river mostly the same. I do love the customization within this game, and I hope now they'll really start focusing on some of the villager interactions, NPC additions, and additional small games that could be played. I miss a lot of what is already in NL in this game.
Yeah I did a lot of terraforming last year and this year I am going to stop myself from doing it so much unless if they add new stuff to the game that may require terraforming just to have fit in. Like a new building for example. Then again whenever I come back to this game I have this mindset of "stuff that used to look good doesn't look too good" its a bad habit and I can't help it sometimes.
Yeah I did a lot of terraforming last year and this year I am going to stop myself from doing it so much unless if they add new stuff to the game that may require terraforming just to have fit in. Like a new building for example. Then again whenever I come back to this game I have this mindset of "stuff that used to look good doesn't look too good" its a bad habit and I can't help it sometimes.
My island is so basic compared to so many, so the only direction it can go is up. I just have no real motivation to make it amazing. I’m happy with a mediocre island lol