
I just realized that terraforming diagonal patterns is so difficult. Like I was trying to build a diagonal bridge on my 2nd island and it was so hard to even do. Its like you have to make sure that the River is at the right Width and if its not then the game will not let you do it. I had to redo this 20 times in order for it to work. I can't even imagine how hard it is to design diagonal patterns.
Tbh I love terraforming, I've been getting better and better at it as I'm going along and I've managed to create shapes I didn't even think were possible. Nice smooth river corners right up against a cliff for example. The method of building this is very unintuitive and requires some careful climbing, destroying cliffs, building the water, remaking the cliff, hoping you don't get trapped, etc. But it's a fun puzzle xD and I think now that I truly understand what shapes are and aren't possible I'm able to think of a little plan to make those hard to build rounded edges. It's so so satisfying when I finish a build too. I've built up over half my island now and I hope to get the whole thing done this month, I'm excited. :D the biggest tip I can give everyone is to just, play with the tools? Like just see what shapes you *can* make even if you don't actually want to build that. Like see if you can make a heart shaped lake, now see if you can build cliffs around it. How snug can you fit the cliffs around it? What parts of the cliffs can be rounded off. Things like that. The results might be pointless and/or ugly but it'll teach you a lot about the mechanics.
I started a new island recently and have been terraforming it.
Its been great fun.

I decided this island was going to be nothing like my first island (while still following the things I like in islands.

So I have inclines going backwards, buildings burried into cliffs, ups and downs all over the place.

The only annoyance I had was getting rid of trees that were in my way.