
I have 5 debt-free houses. The benefits of having multiple player characters certainly outweighs the negative (having less island space). One of my favourite benefits is NMT hoarding. I have 4 PCs stock up on Nook Miles and then print out loads of NMT whenever I decide to go island hopping. It really is a good way to island hop, well, at least for me.

The other most useful quirk I find with having multiple PCs is abusing the NPCs...Certainly getting more Redd art is a positive, but it also works with Gulliver, Saharah and Celeste. Gulliver has a 50% chance of giving you a hat, so having multiple PCs can even the odds a tiny bit to get the good furniture. If Saharah has a good wallpaper and flooring, having many PCs is good for stocking up. And finally, many PCs can help with Celeste DIYs. Other than the obligatory star wand and zodiac DIYs, you can have another PC collect Celeste DIYs for trading.
i’ve currently got 3 users on my island and while i only plan on keeping 2, i definitely agree that having multiple is great! while i’m fairly certain that all of the benefits have already been mentioned, i personally use my other users to obtain more items from npcs (specifically redd, gulliver/arrr, celeste, flick and occasionally saharah!), get 3 diys in a bottle per day opposed to just the 1, get extra mom’s items and of course, have access to more storage! managing multiple users might be a bit overwhelming for some and it definitely is for me at times but imo, the positives totally outweigh the negatives!
- You can buy more orderables from the second character as long as they have the items catalogued.
- Earn additional Nook miles by checking in at the machine in RS.
- Extra recipes from Celeste.
- You can get more Gulliver and Gullivarrr items by using the second character and finding their missing phone / parts for the phone.
Expanding from @Nodokana regarding nook miles, although you can only order 5 catalog items across characters, you can order 5 nook mile variants EACH. With 2 characters, I can fulfill the 10 white streetlamps order overnight. I've been able to stick to my "no time travel" mantra thanks to this.

You can use your extra characters to hunt for zodiac fragments. During a character’s birth month, the percentage of star fragments appearing during a meteor shower goes up. I think that the rate for zodiac star fragments goes up by 10 percent, or a grand total of 20 percent.

I have 7 characters on my island precisely for Celeste diy hunting. However, I didn’t want a lot of houses/tents being built. That’s why I’m going to give them two set of seasonal clothes and think of them as day-time tourists.
Lol @Bluelady that is such valuable info and so you. You're the star expert!
I've had to travel with my secondary character to grab Celeste diys because my primary has learned all the recipes. Once this happens, Celeste no longer offers diys, just star frags.
These are really good points!! I've been debating whether or not I want to get a second one. I don't know exactly what I'd do with one but I feel like it would benefit me and it would be fun too. I love how some people open up a little hotel or restaurant or shop or something with their secondary characters. I just have to be disciplined to have enough room for one when I'm finished terraforming/plotting out my island I suppose.
You can also dress the second character as your first, so when someone dreams of your island, they can never escape your island rep. I remember seeing a youtube video where the person found an island with 4+ characters all dressed the same (I think like mimes) and it was very terrifying, lol.