
I wish they would have given us new DIY items.
That being said, I guess it’s normal not to include new ones. In new leaf and in wild world, when we had holidays, it’s always the same items year after year.

They did give us new content though on the shops, so even if the DIY are the same, it makes me a little hopeful that on the next events we will have some new context added if not in DIY, then in nooks.
Isn't this how events have always been? I've played WW and NL and now NH and I don't remember events giving you new items every year. The only new items would be the zodiac ones depending on what year it was.

It doesn't bother me. I'll play the game as long as I enjoy it. If I no longer enjoy it, I doubt I'd continue to play it just because there are new event items. There is more to this game than just collecting items. Or... maybe I'm playing it wrong. 🤪
In all other games the event was the same each year so I had no reason to expect otherwise this time around.
I was not disappointed and still enjoyed bunny day.

We got new items for it from the shop which I loved so over all im very happy with how bunny day played out this year.
Tbh I’m relieved because I was really worried the next update was gonna be bunny day 2.0 so it seems that we can actually hope for new content this year!
this is always how events have been done so i'm not too bothered, it was nice of them to include the new things in Nook's though! and having repeating items is good for newer players/people who have reset because it means they don't miss out on anything just for joining later than everyone else
Ok but like this has always been a thing? In past games it was the exact same with events. The items didn't change everytime. And honestly i think its fine, because it's good for the new players who haven't played the event before.

It seems like you're just trying to find any little thing to negatively say about this game at this point. 😬

Which i mean, i can't stop you and its your opinion but idk why this is even an issue considering its always been this way with other games. 🤔
im not too bothered, hopefully they'll add new events this year to compensate
Ok but like this has always been a thing? In past games it was the exact same with events. The items didn't change everytime. And honestly i think its fine, because it's good for the new players who haven't played the event before.

It seems like you're just trying to find any little thing to negatively say about this game at this point. 😬

Which i mean, i can't stop you and its your opinion but idk why this is even an issue considering its always been this way with other games. 🤔
With all due respect I don't have an issue with events repeating, but the problem I have is since I'm a returning player, I want to have a reason to participate in the event so that way I don't feel like its the exact same as year. Considering what they did with Bunny Day while they did add a new feature to make villagers run up to you to collect Bunny Day eggs/diys, and they added new items to the nook shop it does not really give me enough of a reason to play. I found out that even if you got all the Bunny Day DIYS from last year you get duplicate items of the items you already gotten.

Thats not really that good. I understand that its for new players who never played the event last year that never gotten the items, thats not the problem I have. The real problem is that there is really no reason for a returning player like myself to participate in it, because it lacks actual "new" things to do in the event. Yeah I know there is Bunny Day items at the shop but again its just items for decoration and its not really my style.

I only hope that Nintendo tries to add new content to past events to give returning players like myself a reason to replay the event even though I already played it last year. Not trying to sound negative, but I'm just saying how it is with the way they've done with the Bunny Day event. They need to focus on the returning players as well. If its just for new players only its going to be a balance issue between the player base.
They need to focus on the returning players as well.
Not to be rude but why do they?
They have your money already. You're not paying for extra content. It's already the best selling animal crossing game by a very large margin.
Why do they need to focus on getting you to play the holidays for a second year in a row?
What's their incentive here?

We got new items for bunny day at the shop.
What is their incentive to give you an extra item for handing in last year's eggs?

I just dont see it.
With all due respect I don't have an issue with events repeating, but the problem I have is since I'm a returning player, I want to have a reason to participate in the event so that way I don't feel like its the exact same as year. Considering what they did with Bunny Day while they did add a new feature to make villagers run up to you to collect Bunny Day eggs/diys, and they added new items to the nook shop it does not really give me enough of a reason to play. I found out that even if you got all the Bunny Day DIYS from last year you get duplicate items of the items you already gotten.

Thats not really that good. I understand that its for new players who never played the event last year that never gotten the items, thats not the problem I have. The real problem is that there is really no reason for a returning player like myself to participate in it, because it lacks actual "new" things to do in the event. Yeah I know there is Bunny Day items at the shop but again its just items for decoration and its not really my style.

I only hope that Nintendo tries to add new content to past events to give returning players like myself a reason to replay the event even though I already played it last year. Not trying to sound negative, but I'm just saying how it is with the way they've done with the Bunny Day event. They need to focus on the returning players as well. If its just for new players only its going to be a balance issue between the player base.

OK fair enough. I can see where you're coming from with not wanting to play the event again when there isn't much that's new. What I personally do in these cases is just skip over the event. I ended up playing Bunny Day this year again, but that was mainly because of the new items, and I wanted to decorate and take pictures with my villagers wearing those cute egg costumes xD

To each their own. I just have never really had a problem with events repeating themselves, because I'm used to that from New Leaf. It would be nice if New Horizons added new DIY's and more content to their events. Maybe that will happen eventually.
OK fair enough. I can see where you're coming from with not wanting to play the event again when there isn't much that's new. What I personally do in these cases is just skip over the event. I ended up playing Bunny Day this year again, but that was mainly because of the new items, and I wanted to decorate and take pictures with my villagers wearing those cute egg costumes xD

To each their own. I just have never really had a problem with events repeating themselves, because I'm used to that from New Leaf. It would be nice if New Horizons added new DIY's and more content to their events. Maybe that will happen eventually.
Well I personally think thats a good thing. It will be interesting to see what they will do with the events they added since last year. They have to give returning players something to at least look forward to even though they did it last year.
while new diys would’ve been nice for both bunny day and cherry blossom season, i don’t really mind the duplicates, either as despite how boring it is for me, i’m sure it’ll come in handy for newcomers as they won’t have to TT back to previous years just to experience the event and obtain the items.
i really liked the new nook items but the repeat event isnt very nice :/
I'm glad they're not changing the events, because hopefully they updates will focus on other extra content! The events are already fine imo, i played this year again even though I already got everything last year, because I just think its cute to run around and interact. Also all the crafted items of bunny day earn you quiet some bells when selling them to nooks so that was great too :p the extra eggs I'm using as food for moving trees and to gift to villagers to gain photo's
You write so much negative stuff so regularly about a game you seem to still be playing, that I'm just wondering why you still play, lol.