
Maybe I've just been lucky, but never had an issue with anyone, and I've done a LOT of trading. I guess I always figured Nintendo would have my back if I got messed over on something really big. Maybe that's not the case.
My advice is just trade on TBT lol

Honestly I never see any of this stuff happen here which is why I only trade here. I know the trading forum isn't the most active in the world and it might take some patience to find what you are looking for but it's well worth it in my opinion.
My advice is just trade on TBT lol

Honestly I never see any of this stuff happen here which is why I only trade here. I know the trading forum isn't the most active in the world and it might take some patience to find what you are looking for but it's well worth it in my opinion.
Well even if its on here or any other trading site you always have to be self aware because no matter how "respected" the community is there is always going to be those people aka scammers that slide under radar and getaway with scamming. I know how they trick people into believing that they are legit nice, but then when you realize their true intentions its too little too late.

I was one of those people who used to say "Well I never got scammed" but then I was foolish to let my guard down and someone who I thought was being nice scammed me. Since then I learned to be a lot more careful with others. Sometimes being "too nice" can be a problem.
I've never had any problems on TBT, as a seller or buyer. I don't think I've ever heard of any scammers as of late either, so it's not really an issue here. It's really easygoing and why I've solely stuck to trading on TBT nowadays.

On places like Nookazon though, it's important to practice caution when trading. Know when autosave happens and how to quickly disconnect if someone is running off with an item.
I have only ever being scammed once and that was only because I didn't check the sellers ratings on Nookazon. But they technically didn't even scam me because I closed out of the game.

It's pretty easy to avoid getting scammed if you use common sense. I always just make sure to check the sellers ratings and also the prices they make for things are a good indicator on if its a scam. Like if they ask for 900NMT for a villager... like come on.

Scamming isn't an issue for me personally, which I'm happy about because I trade with people all the time and don't want to be put off by bad experiences.
I've never had any problems on TBT, as a seller or buyer. I don't think I've ever heard of any scammers as of late either, so it's not really an issue here. It's really easygoing and why I've solely stuck to trading on TBT nowadays.

On places like Nookazon though, it's important to practice caution when trading. Know when autosave happens and how to quickly disconnect if someone is running off with an item.
Usually what I do when that happens is close your application. Where the game will not save and then the person who took your item without giving you what you want is back in your inventory when the game loads back up. My friend told me about this trick and it does work for the most part.
i do all of my trades on tbt and with over 1200 trades under my belt, i haven’t been scammed once nor have i ever had to worry about being scammed during my time here. my experience with this community has been so good but i still make sure to check a user’s feedback ratings before trading with them and as a precaution, i don’t trade with anyone who has less than 100% positive ratings unless the negative feedback is from years prior. this is good advice, though and i’m really sorry to hear that you’ve had some bad experiences with trading :(. i swear, i’ll never understand why scamming is a thing like,, why would you want to do that to someone, especially over in-game items. :/
While I am surely biased on this one, I would argue that TBT has one of the safest atmospheres for trading. Our feedback system combined with our one account per person policy (and our vigilance when it comes to identifying and removing any alternate accounts) means that scammers are quickly identified and removed from our community.
I have thankfully never been scammed but I don’t trade anywhere else but here. You find that people become familiar even before you speak to them. I have met so many lovely people through trades and visits who have become friends. It is such a lovely community that I can’t imagine being scammed as long as you look at their ratings? Maybe I am naive but I used to be so nervous trading but I have never had a problem. 💜
i do all of my trades on tbt and with over 1200 trades under my belt, i haven’t been scammed once nor have i ever had to worry about being scammed during my time here. my experience with this community has been so good but i still make sure to check a user’s feedback ratings before trading with them and as a precaution, i don’t trade with anyone who has less than 100% positive ratings unless the negative feedback is from years prior. this is good advice, though and i’m really sorry to hear that you’ve had some bad experiences with trading :(. i swear, i’ll never understand why scamming is a thing like,, why would you want to do that to someone, especially over in-game items. :/
I will never understand myself neither, but still I would rather be safe than sorry, because knowing my experience I would not want to go to anyone's island just to do the trade. Of course I have done trades myself before but not on this site. Its on a different site (that will not be mentioned). Maybe if they would've had a proper system that will detect scammers this would be prevented, but I know like others said that trading on here is safe, while I want to believe that I will still remain skeptic.
I do most of my trades (mostly amiibo cards) on TBT. I do not go through with any offers until I check the other user’s feedback first. I’ve never had an issue only because I’ve done trades with users who had a reputation built up already. I will not trade on any platform that doesn’t have a feedback or rating system. That, to me, has been the biggest reason my trades go through without issues.
I think it’s also really important to use sites that have a good reputation and feedback system - like TBT. I only trade with people who have several positive feedback and I mainly only trade on this forum. I can honestly say, I have never once encountered a problem when trading with people from this site. Y’all just so lovely 🥰