
When you complete everything do you feel burned out after?

  • Yes

    Votes: 19 27.9%
  • No

    Votes: 27 39.7%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 22 32.4%

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Absolutely. I took a break from this game for several months because I felt like I did everything. Thankfully island rankings and multiplayer have brought me back.
Yes I get burnout after I've constructed and terraformed everything. The thing I do to kickstart myself again is to redo an area.
I totally agree that the game can get stale once you’ve completed all the main objectives. I’ve done about all there is to do as well, but since I still really love the game, I’ve been trying to create some new content on my own— I play hide & seek on my island with my friends, I create new player profiles to decorate extra houses, and I tear down parts of my island to create fun new areas. I don’t like to ever consider my island “complete” because that suggests there’s an end to what you can do... instead, I like to have my island constantly evolving and changing.

I also never force myself to play. Taking breaks for months at a time is totally valid. Doing ANYTHING on the daily, no matter how fun it is, is bound to get stale quick.

On the topic of people in the AC fandom... I think it definitely had a warmer, kinder community before the game went mainstream. Back when the community was infinitely smaller, it really was a sweet and kind group. But when the game blew up, this invited a lot of not-as-nice people to the community. That happens with every group, I think— you’ve just gotta find your people and block out the people who might make you feel negatively.
From my experience, after multiple trades and interactions, I have never seen a more friendly and helpful bunch of people. Of course I came from the World of Warcraft game/forums. It can get pretty ugly there :)
From my experience, after multiple trades and interactions, I have never seen a more friendly and helpful bunch of people. Of course I came from the World of Warcraft game/forums. It can get pretty ugly there :)
Yes! I love the Animal Crossing community too— there are always a few bad apples like I mentioned above, but that’s bound to happen when a community grows this big. Overall though, the AC group is amazing especially compared to other groups like you mentioned.
From my experience, after multiple trades and interactions, I have never seen a more friendly and helpful bunch of people. Of course I came from the World of Warcraft game/forums. It can get pretty ugly there :)
Feel like I'm the only who only experience a bad experience with trading. The thing is I used to trade on a site (which will not be named)
The thing is trading with people has left a bad taste in my mouth as well so thats why I have trust issues whenever trading with someone. I have to my guard in case I have reason to believe I'm going to scammed. I know some people may think that is rude, but they have to understand its hard to trade with people who become unreliable and they just love to cause trouble.

The thing with the website I used is that they tend to have a pricing issue and a lot of the times people have to set their own rules for how they have to trade, which can create a huge divide when some people are used to trading from one person but the other person may have different rules of how they want to do the trade.

I spoke to moderators about this issue and they told me that while they see there is a balance issue there is not much they can do about it. They have to give the freedom to let sellers how they want to list their item for trade and they have the right to list what they want in return. Personally I think the whole "accpeting bells, nmts, and wishlist items" is a bad way of trading because its like you have to make high offers because the seller seems to think that what the buyer is offering is too low and they won't accept. It makes trading in general harder than it usually is.

I only seen a few people list a selling price for the item they want to trade away and want in return and I think that is a great way about going about it. Problem is people on that site tend to be too greedy and it creates this unbalance issue that causes you to become skeptical if the person you are trading with is legit or not. I turned myself off my trading at the end of 2020 I just couldn't handle all these scammers and these people who keep causing trouble and making trading a lot more harder than it needs to be.
I don’t necessarily play the game to complete it. I use this game as a stress reliever, which is the way I think it was meant to be played. This game doesn’t really have the same stress relieving feeling the other Animal Crossing games had. There is too much crafting. It seems more like Minecraft. I explained this a bit more in another thread, so I’ll just end with saying that I haven’t been at all concerned with whether my museum is complete. I’ll donate something here and there, but I’m not going out of my way to look for a left ptera wing I’ve been dying to obtain for quite some time (that was just an example, it’s the first fossil that came to mind). I think most people are burned out because they finished their island design and the game just became stale. Games will become stale after a year. In fact, I think Animal Crossing has the most value for someone’s money. I know $60 games that people purchase and they’ll get bored after a month. Lots of people are still playing New Horizons to this day. It’s interesting to see, really.