I totally agree that the game can get stale once you’ve completed all the main objectives. I’ve done about all there is to do as well, but since I still really love the game, I’ve been trying to create some new content on my own— I play hide & seek on my island with my friends, I create new player profiles to decorate extra houses, and I tear down parts of my island to create fun new areas. I don’t like to ever consider my island “complete” because that suggests there’s an end to what you can do... instead, I like to have my island constantly evolving and changing.
I also never force myself to play. Taking breaks for months at a time is totally valid. Doing ANYTHING on the daily, no matter how fun it is, is bound to get stale quick.
On the topic of people in the AC fandom... I think it definitely had a warmer, kinder community before the game went mainstream. Back when the community was infinitely smaller, it really was a sweet and kind group. But when the game blew up, this invited a lot of not-as-nice people to the community. That happens with every group, I think— you’ve just gotta find your people and block out the people who might make you feel negatively.