
Every villager in the game has a hobby.
Its those with the play hobby that can run around like that outside of the plaza.
There are no smug or snooty villagers that have the hobby but some in every other personality have it.
Here's the full list

Its my favourite of the hobbies villagers can have and I love seeing them do it
I think its really adorable

They can't hurt your flowers at all so no need to worry about that
Every villager in the game has a hobby.
Its those with the play hobby that can run around like that outside of the plaza.
There are no smug or snooty villagers that have the hobby but some in every other personality have it.
Here's the full list

Its my favourite of the hobbies villagers can have and I love seeing them do it
I think its really adorable

They can't hurt your flowers at all so no need to worry about that
Okay well thank you for this information. I will keep a look out for villagers that do this, because maybe its me but I don't like it when they run around the island. I am fine if they do that at the plaza but for me I am just not used to it. Its good that they can't hurt their flowers which is something I didn't know, but knowing me because I get flashbacks rather to be safe than sorry, I would not want that to happen. I'm weird but thats just how I am.
Nope. I love the naruto run; I think it is adorable. The play hobby is probably my favorite hobby that villagers can have. Nothing in the game really makes me uncomfortable except maybe the bugs (please do not laugh). In NL, Keaton came off sometimes to be flirty too and that made me uncomfortable but thankfully I haven’t come across anything like that yet in NH.
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No, I really enjoy seeing Hazel running around the place, her hobby is play.
It just gets annoying if I'm trying to decorate, sometimes.

Am I the only one who knows they're playing running airplane..
Does anyone know if villagers running through your flowers actually ruin them? I don’t have too many flowers on my island so I’m not sure, but I wouldn’t think the villagers running has the same affect as another human running. Anyway, I think villagers running is cute.

Edit: Oh, apparently they can’t ruin flowers. I read through some of the above comments. That’s nice to know!
Not at all. I think it's rather cute that they play by Naruto running everywhere, especially when they run through flower fields, they look like they are having the time of their lives haha. My flowers should fear me more than my villagers. I run through everything, I regularly time travel though, so they will grow back immediately afterwards.

Does anyone know if villagers running through your flowers actually ruin them? I don’t have too many flowers on my island so I’m not sure, but I wouldn’t think the villagers running has the same affect as another human running. Anyway, I think villagers running is cute.

They don't do damage to the flowers at all, I've observed that they do try to avoid the big patches if possible though.
I love the play hobby as well. Two of my villagers have it - Deirdre and Bill. I wouldn't like it very much if they ruined the flowers though! The only hobby I don't like is 'fitness'. All the villagers exercise enough as it is. The fitness hobby pushes the exercising way over the top.
Like others above, I love the play hobby, it is one of my favorites hobbies. I love how joyful they look as they run around!

it is true that it does not affect defect flowers, but also wouldn’t mind if it did, to be honest, since they grow back by the next day, and I enjoy the villagers activities so much. For others’ sake though I am glad it does not😊
Well seems like I'm the only one who feels like this. (sigh)....I really hate expressing myself sometimes.

there’s nothing wrong with having a different opinion though! It doesn’t offend anyone and there’s nothing wrong with not liking it! Part of the interesting thing on this forum for me is to see people with different opinions and experiences, so don’t feel you have done something wrong.
Well seems like I'm the only one who feels like this. (sigh)....I really hate expressing myself sometimes.
A lot of people have different opinion and most people won’t judge you for having a different opinion. Most people on this forum have manners and won’t disrespect you for simply sharing your opinion.
The Play hobby is one of my favorites. It definitely doesn't bother me at all, if they run on the beach, across the flower fields, or right on my front yard. Villagers should feel happy to be free! ☺️ If only we the player could run around and pretend to be airplanes, too. That would be my favorite reaction ever.

It's great that flowers are indestructible in this game, but sometimes it's a huge annoyance when they multiply and get out of control (it's happened on my second island where I breed tons of hybrids, but I took the time to organize everything....after many, many shovels have been destroyed in the process...)
there’s nothing wrong with having a different opinion though! It doesn’t offend anyone and there’s nothing wrong with not liking it! Part of the interesting thing on this forum for me is to see people with different opinions and experiences, so don’t feel you have done something wrong.
A lot of people have different opinion and most people won’t judge you for having a different opinion. Most people on this forum have manners and won’t disrespect you for simply sharing your opinion.
I'm sorry its just that I have spoiled mindest of forcing myself to like stuff even though I don't like it just to fit in. Its really hard for me to even say that because its so difficult.
I'm sorry its just that I have spoiled mindest of forcing myself to like stuff even though I don't like it just to fit in. Its really hard for me to even say that because its so difficult.
I think a lot of people are guilty of pretending to like things just to fit in. This is especially common in school where we want people to like us. I think we should be our own person though! If people won’t like us for who we are, we definitely don’t need those people in our lives.
I'm sorry its just that I have spoiled mindest of forcing myself to like stuff even though I don't like it just to fit in. Its really hard for me to even say that because its so difficult.
You don’t need to pretend to like something. You have to go with your heart and enjoy what you makes you happy 😊
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I think a lot of people are guilty of pretending to like things just to fit in. This is especially common in school where we want people to like us. I think we should be our own person though! If people won’t like us for who we are, we definitely don’t need those people in our lives.
Thankfully this isn’t school or anywhere you need to try and fit in 💙 We are all here as we have a love of AC so we are in this together. It’s good to have different ways of enjoying a game we all love 💜
I'm sorry its just that I have spoiled mindest of forcing myself to like stuff even though I don't like it just to fit in. Its really hard for me to even say that because its so difficult.
All opinions here are valid opinions.
Personally I've always found it adorable so didn't consider how someone might not like it.

However I've also had villagers run directly into my path before causing me to bump into them.
And part of a long list of reasons as to why I don't like reneigh, is she decided the exact spot where I was constructing my ice bar area, was the perfectly place to start running around. It made placing items frustrating.

So I can totally see why people might not like the hobby that much.