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If such a thing does come around, I think they are going to be slow in production. I keep hearing different things about computer parts and junk having shortages or whatever. Hopefully, Nintendo will be smart about the scalper issue...
I got rid of my switch lite because I am pretty annoyed with Nintendo, but if I still had my switch lite, I'm not sure I would upgrade to a pro. I would upgrade to a regular switch though. The pro, I am sure will cost a pretty penny.
At this point, I'm not buying into the rumors anymore since it's a few days past E3 and we still know nothing. I still have slight hope though considering (IIRC) they found evidence of a better Switch by data mining the Switch operating system code, and Nintendo has uploaded 4K screenshots of New Horizons to Twitter.

The Switch is over 4 years old now, so some kind of refreshment seems likely at least.
At this point, I'm not buying into the rumors anymore since it's a few days past E3 and we still know nothing. I still have slight hope though considering (IIRC) they found evidence of a better Switch by data mining the Switch operating system code, and Nintendo has uploaded 4K screenshots of New Horizons to Twitter.

The Switch is over 4 years old now, so some kind of refreshment seems likely at least.
I feel like the higher quality screenshot comes from some kind of special development switch, not necessarily a "switch pro" because nintendo is known to have special consoles meant for posting high quality screenshots, like in the old days where the DS screenshots were super high quality for example.
Honestly it's pretty annoying to hear people constantly say these rumors and such for click bait youtube titles. How about instead of a switch pro, Nintendo makes it so stick drift doesn't inevitably occur in joycons or pro controllers anymore? That would be far better imo.
I'm pretty sick of the rumours and have been since they first started circulating basically within a year of the Switch launching.

I've no doubt that a Switch Pro (or whatever it actually gets called) will be released at some point as Nintendo has a habit of releasing a 'definitive edition' of their handhelds (GBA SP, DSi, 'New' 3DS/XL...Gameboy Colour, if you want to count that as an upgraded Game Boy) and regardless of what anybody tries to tell me, the Switch is a handheld console.

I won't believe any of these rumours though that "they'll announce it at this years E3" though because they are always wrong, except from the 1 time that is correct since a broken clock is still correct twice a day.
Yes l am annoyed by them. Tired of seeing articles hinting on the next switch. Like come on it's only 2021, like please just be patient. One of the reasons why l'm not part of Nintendo community(and l mean the actual community). I hardly go on Nintendo Life because of the annoying articles about switch pro and more same old rumors. I can't wait until next console comes out then everyone will sush about the rumors😌
Ahh, am I the only one who doesn't really care about the rumored "Switch Pro?" As OP had stated above, it has generated a lot of hype for the last several months now. I heard a bunch of people talking about it's speculation but from I gather, nobody truly knows what it is, what it will do or it's release date. All they claim to know is that it is just going to happen.

I personally don't look forward to it despite whatever technical upgrades it may get as the price for it is just going to be out of reach for me 😅😆
I'm indifferent to the idea of a switch-pro tbh. The only changes I'd like to see is Bluetooth capabilities and more importantly, joycon drift being fixed. Nintendo has never been the powerhouse gaming company, it has always been about being different and bringing its own gimmicks to the table. I'm not sure if I would be particularly happy if they then went ahead and made a powerhouse switch, especially given I only got my switch in the last 12 months. The rumours are slightly annoying, mostly because I always feel like as soon as I jump on the bandwagon of something as exciting as the switch, everyone instantly seeks the next bigger and greater thing. The switch is a great console, let's not seek out the next, bigger and better machine every few years. I just want to enjoy my affordable switch.
Yeah, getting quite annoying, especially when they act like they have insiderinformation that is 100% trustable, bla bla..
just let Nintendo announce it, if it's ever going to happen. :rolleyes:
I'm completely unbothered by the rumors. I don't want to upgrade my Switch anyway. Whether it's happening or not doesn't really have any impact on my life. The original Switch has been great for as long as I've had it. The only reason I would think about replacing it, is if the battery gets too old to hold a charge, or something truly terrible happens to the system...like dropping it in water or something...(which would never happen).
Honestly, part of me wishes the rumors would start circling again. 😅 I like the rush the Nintendo speculation brings when you’re waiting for the next tweet to post. Probably in the minority here, but I think it’s fun!
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