Europe Deligrace Swap Shop | [H] Lobo,Pietro,Static [W] WA cards!

Hi! I'm interested in 032 Bluebear, 223 Del and 260 Tammi.

I can give you 319 Pinky, 326 Dizzy and a welcome Amiibo card. Do you need 16 Stu? I also have a Beau card, he's an American card though.
Hi! I'm interested in 032 Bluebear, 223 Del and 260 Tammi.

I can give you 319 Pinky, 326 Dizzy and a welcome Amiibo card. Do you need 16 Stu? I also have a Beau card, he's an American card though.


Those 3 cards from mine are fine to trade!
I'm more interested in Beau than in a WA cards (not actively collecting them). And dont mind for getting him of a US card.

So Beau (US), 319, Pinky and 326 Dizzy for 032 Bluebear, 223 Del and 260 Tammi?

Please let me know if your ok with it.

- - - Post Merge - - -

My Barold and Cluadia for your Purrl and Pashmina?

Sure no problem! :)
Or is it possible my 2 cards for your Static?
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I live in Australia and my cards to trade are all EU/AU.

I have :

- Series 5 Welcome Amiibo # 12 Wade,

and of the cards you have available I need :

- Series 1 # 048 Sterling
- Series 1 # 049 Bonbon
- Series 1 # 064 Pudge
- Series 3 # 290 Caroline

Of course that's too many for one WA card, so if it's a 1-to-1 trade I'd like # 290 Caroline please. If it's 2-to1WA then I'd like # 290 Caroline + whichever card I've listed you choose.

Let me know what you think, and thanks for your time.
