Day 41, hooray for a late night post! Today was a huuge day, so I'll run through it timewise.
8:00ish: Wake up
8:15: Parents tell me we're going to the dentist today at 9:00 (didn't know about it beforehand) I remembered I didn't brush my teeth yesterday, so I went up and uber-brushed them ASAP (because brushing them a lot one day makes up for every day you forgot, right?)
8:45: Didn't have to go until about 9:15 (my brother was at 9:00) so I decided to start my homework () I got a bit done, then I had to go
9:15: Dentist! Oh joy of joys. Wasn't bad, though, and I had no cavities, yay! But they put this weird "gritty" feeling stuff on my teeth (some variation of flouride I think) that tasted like crap for awhile...
12:00ish: Dentist is done, sitting on computer, decide to buy Minecraft!
1:00ish (guestimating up times now): Minecraft is purchased, I find out how to play, I survive my first night.
5:00ish: I've been playing Minecraft for about 4 hours (with mini breaks during that time) It is my new love.
5:30: Drum lessons! Crappy roads + long drive = late. Just a few minutes, but still I didn't get to practice all I wanted. Oh well.
7:30: Finished drum lessons, got take out supper from Hardees, got home. Worked more on homework.
8:00: That's enough homework, BACK TO MINECRAFT!
9:50: Hm, maybe I should finish my homework now...
10:25: Homework's all done, booyah!
10:33: Hear phone text go off, think it's for a delay tomorrow, check phone, nope. It's just reminding us that we have school pictures tomorrow (our school offers an "alert" system for cancellations, delays, reminders, etc.) Become disappointed.
And that was my President's Day! This was just an overall long weekend... But today was the first "busy" day this weekend, I guess. The rest of the weekend was just blehh.. Haha, anyway that's about it for today. Tune in tomorrow for a new exciting blog post (think I may talk about my Minecrafting!) Seeya!
Question of the day: Did you have President's Day off today? If so, what did you do?
P.S. 10:44: Finish proofreading blog, turn off laptop, watch Family Guy, go to bed 8D
8:00ish: Wake up
8:15: Parents tell me we're going to the dentist today at 9:00 (didn't know about it beforehand) I remembered I didn't brush my teeth yesterday, so I went up and uber-brushed them ASAP (because brushing them a lot one day makes up for every day you forgot, right?)
8:45: Didn't have to go until about 9:15 (my brother was at 9:00) so I decided to start my homework () I got a bit done, then I had to go
9:15: Dentist! Oh joy of joys. Wasn't bad, though, and I had no cavities, yay! But they put this weird "gritty" feeling stuff on my teeth (some variation of flouride I think) that tasted like crap for awhile...
12:00ish: Dentist is done, sitting on computer, decide to buy Minecraft!
1:00ish (guestimating up times now): Minecraft is purchased, I find out how to play, I survive my first night.
5:00ish: I've been playing Minecraft for about 4 hours (with mini breaks during that time) It is my new love.
5:30: Drum lessons! Crappy roads + long drive = late. Just a few minutes, but still I didn't get to practice all I wanted. Oh well.
7:30: Finished drum lessons, got take out supper from Hardees, got home. Worked more on homework.
8:00: That's enough homework, BACK TO MINECRAFT!
9:50: Hm, maybe I should finish my homework now...
10:25: Homework's all done, booyah!
10:33: Hear phone text go off, think it's for a delay tomorrow, check phone, nope. It's just reminding us that we have school pictures tomorrow (our school offers an "alert" system for cancellations, delays, reminders, etc.) Become disappointed.
And that was my President's Day! This was just an overall long weekend... But today was the first "busy" day this weekend, I guess. The rest of the weekend was just blehh.. Haha, anyway that's about it for today. Tune in tomorrow for a new exciting blog post (think I may talk about my Minecrafting!) Seeya!
Question of the day: Did you have President's Day off today? If so, what did you do?
P.S. 10:44: Finish proofreading blog, turn off laptop, watch Family Guy, go to bed 8D