Thoughts on showering? 🚿

I really don’t like showering, especially when it’s cold, but I can tolerate it. I shower every other day / 3 times a week. Maybe that’s not often enough but I feel like if it was any more often then all I’d do is shower 😂 I mean there are exceptions, I might have to shower a day earlier than I usually would. I used to shower / bathe twice a week as a child and then once I hit about 11 i increased it to 3 times a week. My hair starts to get greasy after a couple of days and it drives me crazy. I just do what my parents taught me to.
I am a bath girly but will wash my hair in the shower. Baths are important to me since having my 2 kids I have major lower back pain and a bath will always soothe that and allow me to sleep in less pain
I shower daily and it'd probably drive me absolutely nuts if I couldn't for some reason because I hate feeling unclean, but I do wish it didn't take quite so long ;u; The shower itself probably wouldn't be so bad, even considering my hair needs to be washed frequently (I do every other day so as not to strip my hair, but my hair is very straight/fine so I can't do longer apart than that), but I have very dry skin and have to use body lotion daily after showering. So counting drying off/moisturizing after my shower/getting dressed, it winds up taking me a good 30-45 minutes usually askjdfdklg. The shower itself probably only takes me about 15-20 minutes? I wish I could wash everything faster than that but idk how some people do it

The other thing that bugs me is probably about 80% of the time after showering, I feel weirdly overstimulated after I get dressed?? It goes away after a few minutes, but I usually need some time after my shower just to sit quietly by myself.

ALSO I haaaaate the feeling of getting strands of hair on me when my skin is wet, and that's p much inevitable with showering unless I want to shave my head, which I will not be doing
i enjoy my daily general shower, it doesn’t take too long but it’s a nice moment to myself and always leaves me feeling refreshed - in summer it’s a nice way to cool down and in winter i enjoy a nice warm cosy shower. dislike having a shower though when i am washing my hair, get tired pretty quickly and find it takes me ages to wash my hair and i end up spending too much time in the shower.

overall i probably find baths more enjoyable, especially in winter, but hardly ever have them as they take a lot longer then just a quick shower.
I only shower once a day every other day (so if I shower today on a Wednesday, I won't shower again until Friday, then again on Sunday, etc.) because if I shower every day my skin gets real dry and itchy easily. I feel like I need to constantly apply lotion if I were to shower every day. I typically shower for 15 - 30 minutes max, but sometimes stay in there for an hour because I listen to videos while showering and I feel so relaxed I forget about time lol

I'm used to showering in the evenings/nights, not so much during the mornings or midday.
I got to shower today (yay!) and I usually intend to shower every other day. Sometimes though, the day bests me and I don’t get to shower on my shower day - looking at you, yesterday, you rude day. I love my shower days and look forward to them, but I’m glad it’s not something so do everyday anymore like I did when I was working in public.
i only shower if i'm going somewhere, like school or something. everyday other than that is a bath.
i take really warm showers, to the point that it's actually bordering on incredibly hot.. which is probably bad for my skin lmao