I think it's fun, i tried to make an electronics store in my mall and made it after apple, white walls white floor and just tech and phones and digital photo frames cause they look like tablets
While I think some store ideas are "overused" (meaning, I've seen a lot of designs on HHN based on specific places like Starbucks, Pizza Hut, etc.) I personally think there shouldn't even be a question whether or not it's a good idea or not. It's Your game, so, I think any idea (unless it's something that intentionally made to offend people) you come up with to design is creative; and even if it wasn't, I think it's more important for you to like your design/idea than it is for other people to like it.
The farthest I've gone is using the 7-11 set to make a Japanese-style 7-11. You know when a person has been in an actual Japanese 7-11 and trying to keep to that style if they have things like the copy machine inside. Japanese office supply stores don't have copy machines like in the US (think Office Depot or Kinko's). However, copy machines are in many convenience stores.
Well I did take some inspiration when I did Gaston's house and the hospital from this old Swedish documentary/tv film but I don't think anyone here has seen it so.. eh let's say it was some part after real life stuff yet obscure.
I don't like it, doesn't give any creativity to me, I like seeing how people set it up their way, not copying how they see it in the real world. If I wanted that I'd play a Sims game, not Animal Crossing.
It could be really interesting if people did that! I like to make my designs new but I could definitely see the appeal of designing a town that looks like real life!
Well, sometimes if I'm out of ideas, I'll look at real places to get a thought!
I've never made a store in HHD that was an exact replica, though. It might be kinda fun though... Maybe I'll turn one of my stores into a Target or something when I remodel next time.