I am currently playing it! So far it's pretty good! I'm enjoying the story, but the direction it's going seems really obvious to me, so I'm hoping it's different than what it seems to be. I hate when I figure out a games story within the first couple hours of playing. I'm also hoping the riddles and mysteries get a little bit more advanced as the game progresses, right now for me it's too easy. It's just so adorable though! I'm enjoying it!
Thanks Tiffanistarr! It sounds like my kind of game.... easty peasey, relaxing and not one I have to play every day or else I will lose out on something. I'm sold!
I haven't gotten it and won't, but I've been enjoying watching a playthrough of it. It's very charming but it does seem too easy. You'll either love it or hate it from what it seems.
Thanks Tiffanistarr! It sounds like my kind of game.... easty peasey, relaxing and not one I have to play every day or else I will lose out on something. I'm sold!
I haven't played it, but I have seen the trailer for it. I didn't know I needed a Pikachu with a deep sexy voice in my life before I watched it. I asked for the game for my birthday, so hopefully I'll get it.
Eh it looks good to me tho im usually iffy on spin off games...i like the cores the best...and mystery dungeon...the MD games are probably the closest spinoff game that plays like the core series.
The puzzles and stuff you have to solve in-game are easy. It's lenient even if you make mistakes but I don't play the game for that. The presentation and music/voice-overs are top notch. It's kind of like you're watching a pixar movie. Pikachu is super hilarious. I could imagine a long-time series fan really loving the game since you'll meet lots of Pokemon here just on a different setting.
I just finished playing it. I enjoyed it! I really enjoyed getting to interact with the characters - especially the Pokemon! I met a Pokemon that I've just fallen in love with - Mimikyu. It's definitely not a super deep, hardcore Sherlock Holmes type detective story but it's got an interesting plot. Honestly, if you like Pokemon & just want a game that's fun then you'll probably enjoy this.
There is a demo for this in the eshop now. I'm not sure if it is just the tutorial case, but I tried a bit of it and it seems pretty easy. I knew where to go right away, but then had to keep talking to people until one of them mentioned the right hint. I like that you get to interview Pokemon though and Pikachu is pretty funny.
I didn't play the game yet and only saw some Let's Plays of it on YouTube so far, but it's looks really interesting and I also like Detective Pikachu as a character. I may buying it one day.
I think the idea is really bizarre and I'd love to try it one day, but I'm also trying to save up for some other main series Pokemon games (I actually didn't start playing main series Pokemon games until about 4 years ago, and I've been going at a pretty leisurely pace, so I still have a lot of catching up to do!), so I doubt I'll play it anytime super soon.