Auction Diana ENDED

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Midochlorians are the power house of the force
Oct 6, 2013
New Horizons Token
Holiday Candy Cane 2017
Red Pansy
Purple Violet
White Violet
Yellow Violet
Tasty Cake
Astral Inner Planet Floating Gold #10
Pear (Fruit)
99.3% (142) +
So, i was lucky enough after lolly moved out ( :( ) to get Diana to move in. This means its time for another auction!
Starting bid: 1 million
Minimum increcment: 500k
Buyout: 30 million (May go down) OR Ankha

Ends when she pings me :

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when is she moving out aaaaaa
I will start of with 1m then I need to sell things ;o;
OMG! I have Ankha and would love Diana! Have been looking for her to no avail!
Same here with Ankha!

- - - Post Merge - - -

OMG! I have Ankha and would love Diana! Have been looking for her to no avail!
If you want to trade, I just need to work on getting Julian out for someone else, then I'll start getting Diana out :3
Take your time. Ankha was the last one to move in thus I need to move someone out first :)

Will this be a confirmed trade? If yes I will stop looking for Diana.
Take your time. Ankha was the last one to move in thus I need to move someone out first :)

Will this be a confirmed trade? If yes I will stop looking for Diana.
This trade is now confirmed, auction ended :3

- - - Post Merge - - -

Yay! Thank you so much :)

Could we bring this to PM? I am rarely on here because I'm always on mobile. It's confusing to browse this site on such a small screen. Will be able to keep track of PMs better.
Yay! Thank you so much :)

Could we bring this to PM? I am rarely on here because I'm always on mobile. It's confusing to browse this site on such a small screen. Will be able to keep track of PMs better.
Ok, pms it is, closing thread now :3
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