Bell Tree Direct - 02.02.25 - Upcoming Events

I'm assuming I can just... give the exact location... since this isn't an egg hunt lmao

Don's underground bells!!!

I found it accidentally and I'm laughing. ty for the bells!! Resetti and his lil flower is still so cute

Well, you were certainly the right person to find it lol... good job

excuse me, can I have my zodiac snake figurine? it's very important

Guess you'll just have to stick around until 2037? We'll probably still be here.
Yay, all of this sounds amazing!!
Looking forward to the hybrids, and intrigued what will be planned for valentines!

I wish I have had more time to play super smash bros to get more characters but will do my best with what I have!

Oh gawd thirteenth egg hunt

Oh dear oh noo
oh yay Easter egg decorationing here's hoping.
Thank you so much for the bells :) I am so keen for the Valentine's Day event and...........


I'll see you soon.........