What "green fish".

Anyway peaple have at like 2 months to catch all the winter river fish.

Ive caught all winter fish exept tuna.
Yes, I have caught it :]
You should use proper grammar.
i think he's talking about the diving scarab = green thing in water that moves around

I've got it
umm...this topic is like a puzzle with a piece missing...at first your like..''oh, this will be cool''...then as so go towards the end its like....''ehh, i dunno'' ..... then you get to the end...and one little detail(or puzzle piece in this story) is missing..and then your like...''.... CRAP!!!!...screw it....i quit, im leaving!''

thats how i felt of this post..

and yes..all my future posts will be like a mini adventure from now...
meh dunno wat juu talkn buot lolololol ph33r th3 n3wbn3ss!!!

I don't understand what you were talking about. <_<
u guiz r mean i jus assed a quetion an u maek fun of me :(((9
kisd @ skool make fun of me 2 cuz i pleh wit poekmanz an dey play wit transformres
lol trnsfomrs r gey
Kolvo said:
u guiz r mean i jus assed a quetion an u maek fun of me :(((9
kisd @ skool make fun of me 2 cuz i pleh wit poekmanz an dey play wit transformres
lol trnsfomrs r gey
I play Pokemon to. Big deal?