Did you learn anything because of AC?

I learned that if I shake trees long enough, a couch will fall out, and if I'm low on money I can sell my neighbors.

In all actuality, I learned how to be more social, the importance of having good friends, money managment and it gave me an good eye for design.
i learned my own blood type and zodiac sign because of villagers in wild world, haha. also like many others, many types of fish/bugs :)
talking to other villagers in ac:ww when i was around 4 years old helped me with learning to read. i had a basic comprehension of the alphabet and all at that age, but playing ac was definitely good reading practice. i still remember always misreading the text bubble as it loaded my save file though lol
Animal Crossing actually helped me to read. I was very, very young when the first game came out and the dialogue was difficult for me to understand, but it was my biggest motivation to learn so that I could play the game properly.