Digital VS. Physical?


Senior Member
Apr 2, 2015
I want to buy an extra copy of New Leaf for cycling to help myself and others get their dreamies! I was looking at the estore and the digital copy is a bit cheaper; but ive heard that the digital copy can be a bit glitchy?

For those who have had both or either, do you think the physical copy is worth the extra 10 dollars?
A Physical copy tends to get corrupted a lot easier, though its easier to make 2nd towns and stuff.

A Digital Copy doesn't get corrupted that easily and it's there as a extra game if you want to play if you get bored of one game, however due to Nintendo's very dumb online profile crap, if your 3DS breaks somehow, you have no way to recover that account on that system at all.
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A Physical copy tends to get corrupted a lot easier, though its easier to make 2nd towns and stuff.

A Digital Copy doesn't get corrupted that easily and it's there as a extra game if you want to play if you get bored of one game, however due to Nintendo's very dumb online profile crap, if your 3DS breaks somehow, you have no way to recover that account on that system at all.

So if someone bought a new 3DS there's no way to transfer the old file over? or is that just if your 3DS breaks?
No you can transfer it over using the SD card. Although if the SD card breaks than you are screwed, however you can back it up on your computer whenever you want. My cousin had her DS smashed and she lost it but that's about the only way.

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I have the digital copy and it has never once glitched on me. I like that I always have it with me because it's a game I play quite often.

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Also, (sorry I keep posting) but if the ten dollars is the problem with the physical copy, than you can buy it at your local replay store. You won't be supporting nintendo, which kinda sucks but you can still get the game!
If that's your purpose, I vote physical every time. It saves to the cart so doesn't take up much ds space and I am a big proponent of actually physically owning what you pay for, like I may stream some favorite show episodes I miss but I will always but the set on actual disc when it comes out. Or it could just disappear one day. But with cycling definitely cart. IMO anyway.
I was always someone who liked physical, but now I'm leaning more towards digital, especially for games I know I will devote a lot of time too. ACNL is a good example; it's just nice to have the game on my 3DS at all times so I can switch between games quickly, and not worry about forgetting to bring the cart with me when I'm traveling, etc. Sure, you may argue that it's not much trouble to lug around a cart or switch carts, and I would have made similar arguments a few months back, but I'm definitely feeling the convenience with my digital copy.

Also, Nintendo games tend to be very small in size (due to programming efficiency?) so I don't think you'll fill up your SD card that quickly, especially if you've got a huge one. If you're using the default SD it comes with, then maybe.
I'm sure you've gotten tons of replies by now,

and honestly I'm no professional and I don't know everything there is to know about this subject, but I have both the digital and physical copy of the game, one day my friend took my ds, I wasn't sure what she was using it for, turns out she was duplicating, thought it would corrupt both my cards in the ds at the time (I know right where's the logic in that) and it didn't really. But anyways I was totally against duplication at the time but I'm not exactly sure what "corruption thing" people are talking about cause it hasn't happened to me honestly I never thought too hard about the corruption thing cause honestly for me it was me being me, always misplacing things wether if I lost my ds with the digital copy and lose EVERYTHING or just lose my ds with the hope that I had the Physical copy with me and just buy another 3DSXL, actually I just prefer it doesn't get lost at all haha. <- sorry if that was confusing but it's only my experience, the game hasn't corrupted or affected my 3DSXL in any way or even the game for that matter. But the digital does take up DS storage space. Hope this helps :)

\\\oh and yes, It's totally worth the ten extra bucks depending on where you live or whatever because it's good for dreamies and stuff like that. ≧◡≦
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I prefer physical copies of the game. You can still have it with you a lot if you keep it in your 3DS and it seems much easier to deal with if your 3DS breaks or something. Also, if you don't want to pay as much for it, you could buy a used copy.

Since it's a cycle town, you could just get the digital copy if space isn't an issue for you, that way you won't have to go to the trouble of switching cartridges and it probably doesn't matter as much if you 3DS breaks and you lose your save (beyond the money you spent on it, of course).

I'd say that it's just a matter of preference, especially if you're only using it to cycle.

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A Physical copy tends to get corrupted a lot easier, though its easier to make 2nd towns and stuff.

A Digital Copy doesn't get corrupted that easily and it's there as a extra game if you want to play if you get bored of one game, however due to Nintendo's very dumb online profile crap, if your 3DS breaks somehow, you have no way to recover that account on that system at all.

Really? Just last year I read several posts here on the forum where people swore that digital copies are more prone to corruption and have more issues. Maybe it's just that both are equally likely and it just depends on your experience.

Also, I didn't know you couldn't recover the data on your 3DS if it broke. I always thought you could, as long as the data wasn't affected. :confused:
I like being able to have Animal Crossing on my 3DS no matter what cartridge is in my console. However, I did have an issue with it.. It was my fault for being too careless. My first 3DS broke within two weeks of getting it (The volume and wifi sliders stopped working despite rarely being touched) so I returned the 3DS. I took out the SD card, transferred the files to my computer, and exchanged the console. Upon returning home, I put the SD card into my computer, copied and pasted the files from the original SD card that I had and accidentally clicked a window that asked me if I wanted to get rid of the "duplicate" data since the SD card from the new console had the same folders on it. So I clicked it and ended up losing the old files from my old SD card. It was horrible but thankfully I had only had the game for about a month.. I'm still pretty peeved about it since I had just designed my own paths and laid them out. Ah well, such is life.