Diner Dash


Senior Member
Sep 17, 2007
Has anyone played this? Did you like it? My wife has it on her cell phone but it is only a demo. She saw it at gamestop the other day an mentioned that she might like it for the DS. Is it worth a purchase for someone who hasn't really been into gaming since the SNES days?
I don't think I've heard of it. What exactly is it about?
It's based off a web flash game where you are a waitress and you have to take orders and deliver the right food to the right tables. It's apparently fast paced, but I've never played it, so I'm having a hard time trying to decide whether or not to get it for my wife.
I've seen videos but haven't played any of the versions.. but I heard the DS one was definitely fun, but not worth the full price. Maybe if you can find it used or something.

It's a fun novelty at first. Y'know someone makes a fun little game, then it is over marketed. Its an ok game, its a novelty and it gets boring and repetitive and just isn't good..