your heart is a museum of everyone you've loved
black and white????
i think they mean mixed race mate lmao
black and white????
Ahh. Since the Trump presidency people have gotten very forward with their racism in California. I'm Mexican and I've had people look at me funny just for talking to my mom in Spanish. I've heard the "speak English this is America" bit way too many times.
Like being racially and white????
Yes, I honestly hate that. I?m more than capable of performing any task, even if that tasked is typically viewed as a ?man?s job.? It sucks when people view you as less capable just because you are a girl. Sexism sucks...when people view me as weak, stupid and incapable of preforming 'men' tasks just because I'm a girl
Yes, I honestly hate that. I’m more than capable of performing any task, even if that tasked is typically viewed as a “man’s job.” It sucks when people view you as less capable just because you are a girl. Sexism sucks...