Shop DIYS ONLY 10TBT EACH: Seasonal, Mermaid, Spooky & Celeste/Zodiac DIYs | All materials including seasonal and star frags for sale!

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  1. TBT Bells
Hi! Could I order the diys for a sakura wood wall, sakura wood floor and cherry blossom floor? The total would be 60 tbt, correct?
Could I please order these (by my count it’s 180 tbt because of your 5x for 90tbt offer?)

2x mermaid vanity
1x mermaid bed
1x mermaid chair
1x mermaid shelf

3x mermaid floor
2x mermaid wall

(if you’re wondering why the duplicates, it’s because I have 2 little girls & we have all shared items but it seems to have glitched Pascal from giving us recipes if we own the item but not the diy 😭)

Thank you for your time xx
Hello again! Can I buy the Sakura wood flooring, Cherry blossom pochette, Cherry blossom clock, Cherry blossom trees wall and Cherry blossom flooring DIYs for 90 tbt? Also, do you by any chance have cherry blossom petal crafting materials/will you stock them ever? Thank you! :)