Shop DIYS ONLY 10TBT EACH: Seasonal, Mermaid, Spooky & Celeste/Zodiac DIYs | All materials including seasonal and star frags for sale!

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20 TBT for the Diner Counter (Pink), Menu Chalkboard (White) and the Earth Rug?
Table Setting (Yellow / White) and Plastic Pool (Blue) for 10 tbt?
Sorry I'm back again, how much would you say for the Sepia and Cool Globe, Mixer (Carrots), and Mini Diner Table (Pink)? 25 TBT?
I'd like to purchase the following:
1. Accessories stand (Black)
2. Campsite sign
3. Fortune cookie cart
4. Cute DIY table (Sky blue)
5. Stadium wall

Offer: 10NMTs (can offer more if needed)