Shop DIYS ONLY 10TBT EACH: Seasonal, Mermaid, Spooky & Celeste/Zodiac DIYs | All materials including seasonal and star frags for sale!

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  1. TBT Bells
Hi, could I get: Nova light, Star clock, Star head, Starry garland, & Star pochette
For 60 tbt?
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I'd like to order the Pisces, Aquarius, and Scorpio diys and two fragments of each.
I have some diys in my signature if you'd like to trade but TBT are fine with me.
Helloo ☺ first I have a question. If I buy 5 with one of them being the crescent moon chair would the price still be 60 TBT ?
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Hi, could I get: Nova light, Star clock, Star head, Starry garland, & Star pochette
For 60 tbt?
Hi yes send me a message when you're available!
I'd like to order the Pisces, Aquarius, and Scorpio diys and two fragments of each.
I have some diys in my signature if you'd like to trade but TBT are fine with me.
Tbt would be best, please message me when you're available too!
Helloo ☺ first I have a question. If I buy 5 with one of them being the crescent moon chair would the price still be 60 TBT ?
Would be an extra 15 on top of the 60, if you're still interested send me a message too!
Hello could I get 2 stacks of gold ornaments and the Illuminated reindeer DIY
Hi! Could I please get a mush parasol, moon, and nova light DIY?
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Hi!! ^^ could I get two stone stacks and one starry garland diy?
hi hello it's me ur most annoying favorite customer :^) can i buy these things from u pls?
  • maple leaf pochette DIY
  • all cherry blossom DIYs except for the outdoor picnic set i literally got zero during the season somehow
  • autumn wall
  • colored leaves flooring
  • two stacks of cherry blossom petals
i know it's a lot, let me know what my total is for those because my math is probably wrong 😬
Hello!! Can I get the following DIYS:
Tree's bounty arch
Tree's bounty mobile
Tree's bounty lamp
Tree's bounty big tree
Acorn pochette

for 60 tbt! :)
Hello could I get 2 stacks of gold ornaments and the Illuminated reindeer DIY
Hi! Could I please get a mush parasol, moon, and nova light DIY?
Hello!! Can I get the following DIYS:
Tree's bounty arch
Tree's bounty mobile
Tree's bounty lamp
Tree's bounty big tree
Acorn pochette

for 60 tbt! :)
can everyone message me with your orders and lmk when you're available to trade!!


hi hello it's me ur most annoying favorite customer :^) can i buy these things from u pls?
  • maple leaf pochette DIY
  • all cherry blossom DIYs except for the outdoor picnic set i literally got zero during the season somehow
  • autumn wall
  • colored leaves flooring
  • two stacks of cherry blossom petals
i know it's a lot, let me know what my total is for those because my math is probably wrong 😬
how about 1tbt :l

May I please get:

Rocket diy
Maple leaf pochette diy
Acorn pochette diy
Star pochette diy
Star head diy
One stack of pinecones
One stack of acorns
One stack of maple leaves
