Trading DIYs/recipes

@banjomins deal. Lemme know when you're ready and I'll send you a dodo code

Edit: if I don't catch you before 9 pm PST, I'll be available again after 6pm tomorrow
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Hi I have these diys:
Cherry dress
Apple dress

I am looking for these diys:
frozen fence
plate armor

If you like to trade let me know. Thank you.
Hi I have these diys:
Cherry dress
Apple dress

I am looking for these diys:
frozen fence
plate armor

If you like to trade let me know. Thank you.
Sorry, I already traded the plate armor and forgot to remove it from the list. Is there any other diy you'd like to trade for?
Sorry, I already traded the plate armor and forgot to remove it from the list. Is there any other diy you'd like to trade for?

Do you still have ruined decorated pillar? If not, do not worry then. I just also got ice fence diy from balloon this morning so I don't need anymore. I don't have any other diys I would like to trade at the moment except ruined decorated pillar.

Are you free at the moment? If so you give you cherry and apple dress.
Do you still have ruined decorated pillar? If not, do not worry then. I just also got ice fence diy from balloon this morning so I don't need anymore. I don't have any other diys I would like to trade at the moment except ruined decorated pillar.

Are you free at the moment? If so you give you cherry and apple dress.
The pillar is spoken for at the moment, I'm just waiting to hear back from the player who requested it. I'm free for half an hour if you're still willing to give me the dresses
The pillar is spoken for at the moment, I'm just waiting to hear back from the player who requested it. I'm free for half an hour if you're still willing to give me the dresses

OK. No worry. I can just give you these two diys. I will send you dodo code now.
Give me 5 min. I will open my gate.
Interested in the autumn wall, mush table, maple leaf pond stone, and pine bonsai. I have the cherry lamp, jail bars, mountain standee, apple hat, and medium cardboard boxes.
Sounds good. I'll be available until 11:30 AM PST and hopefully back again by 2 PMish
hi i can trade bread diy for plain cupcakes diy
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