Shop DLC, Harvey's items, paintings, Gracie furniture and more!

Character name: Rafael
Town name: Novaria
Friend code: 3111-0142-6226
Order: sushi menu; iron garden table; metal & wood table; Diver Dan.
Total TBT: 8

No disk writer from Harvey's, by any chance?
Character name: Bunny

Town name: Nitevale

Friend code: 3712-0000-7382

Order: kiddie meal, moss ball, coconut juice, pitcher plant,
azalea stool, flower bouquet, hibiscus clock, hydrangea bed, (x2)lily lamps, sunflower stereo, tulip dresser,
sweets table, Dalmatian ornament

Total TBT:28 (but ill send you 30 and if you want more since im wanting alot thats reasonable, name your price)
Character name: Clayton
Town name: Dyrne
Friend code: sidebar/signature
Order: gorgeous sofa, handwashing area, campus set (just 1 of each item)
Total TBT: 12
Hiya again!
Mayor: Heidi
Town: Ereta
Item: Cabana Bookcase
Total: 2tbt
Character name: Shawn
Town name: Vulcan
Friend code: 0963-5361-8004
Order: Toad Hat, Mushroom Mural, Block Floor
Total TBT: 3
Character name: Brittany
Town name: Browns
Friend code: to the left
Order: towel rack, fish on a board, gorgeous chair, gorgeous desk
Total TBT: 8
My signature already shows my mayor's name and town name.
Can I get

Super star
Wii U console
Labrador ornament
Peach parasol
Yosh's egg
Majora's amsk
Dachshund ornament

My mayor i'll be using is mayorMartha, and my FC is already on the side bar.
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Hi! I'm hoping to be able to come by tonight to be able to visit first before you sell the items to everyone else, if that's okay with you?
Thank you! I'll be home tonight at 9:30PM EST
Character name: Bayleaf
Town name: Savory
Friend code: sidebar
Order: lilly lamp, ramen cup
Total TBT: 4 TBT
ayy again ma dude ;)

Character name: ned
Town name: Atlantis
Friend code: side bar
Order: Jolly painting, Wistful painting, Neutral painting, Golden Clock
Total TBT: 8
Character name: Pinky
Town name: Galifrey
Friend code: 0490-5415-1359
Order: Lily Lamp (2) and Flower Bouquet (3)
Total TBT: 10

Thank you so much!
Character name: Marv
Town name: Honeybee
Friend code: 2165-5774-6849
Order: mermaid vanity, cabana vanity, cabana screen, cabana chair, cabana dresser, cabana table, cabana wall radio, cabana lamp, Taurus bathtub, Aquarius urn, scorpio lamp, Capricorn ornament, sunflower stereo.(sorry that?s a lot)
Total TBT: 22? Correct me if I?m wrong!
Character name: Alyssa
Town name: Moo !
Friend code: Sidebar :)
Order: Common painting, dynamic painting, nice painting, perfect painting, wild painting, warm painting,
Total TBT: 12
Thank you<3
Character name: Marv
Town name: Honeybee
Friend code: 2165-5774-6849
Order: mermaid vanity, cabana vanity, cabana screen, cabana chair, cabana dresser, cabana table, cabana wall radio, cabana lamp, Taurus bathtub, Aquarius urn, scorpio lamp, Capricorn ornament, sunflower stereo.(sorry that’s a lot)
Total TBT: 22? Correct me if I’m wrong!

Ready! Open your gate!
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