Like others say, I don't know why we need to discuss this.
then...y did you discuss it
Like others say, I don't know why we need to discuss this.
It's so strange to see americans talk about this kinda thing, your whole system is pretty backwards when it's like..... if you're poor and decide to try to commit suicide do you deserve any help ? Can't afford it? Well guess you're just going to be left permanently damaged then after that failed suicide attempt, sorry Billy.
Here if you're under a certain income limit it's all free, and over that there's some things that are free and some things that are not. America scares the hell outta me, that and your food tastes like ass.
As for drug use, there is personal accountability, if it were up to me, I would offer a program to help people get off their addiction, but once your reintegrate into society you have to pay money to the service that helped you in the hope that they can help others. Drug addiction is something I really cannot pity, because you know what, I've had a hard time of life but I got on without it. I have a brain disorder wherein sometimes I will experience stroke like symptoms and SEVERE headache (it will feel like my skull is being crushed, just like it really was ), I was in town once and this happened to me when I was on my own, and no one would help me because they thought I was on drugs. A bit of a tangent, but I can't pity people who are doing this to themselves when I would do anything to not have these problems.
are you replying to me lol or ???? because im pretty sure what you ”agree” and ”disagree” w me on is the examples i presented and not what i wrote my actual opinion was ....I don't think agree with what you're saying. Free health care is certainly a pretty nifty thing to have correct? If it is free, then what point is there is not giving it to people who need help? If its for something dumb like eating a tide pod, then I'm pretty sure said person who ate the tide pod is going to need help or they'll die??
To address some of the things you've stated, the self harm/suicide attempts most definitely deserve it. Yes it was self inflicted, but there is probably an underlying cause to it. Perhaps said person had recently been going through a stretch of depression, and felt like their choice was the only option to stop their pain. To add onto what you said about tide pods, there are some people out there who might even eat one as a suicide attempt; its the same situation as drinking bleach.
Drug users also need help due to an inability to stop. I feel like this ties into the suicide/self harm sort of deal, just that it's a case of the user being victim to depression. Some people out there use illegal drugs as an escape from everything wrong in their lives and become reliant on them. Same way people drink alcohol to forget all of their worries. There are people who take drugs just for the hell of it, but by taking away healthcare from victims of drugs then you're denying people with real problems something to help them; which is precisely what would lead to suicide.
about gang violence...i somewhat agree with you on this one. What their doing is already illegal, so if they were caught and injured they more than likely would just get arrested and then be hospitalized. But, due to the way their living their life I honestly doubt that said person would have healthcare insurance and would just have to pay for everything themselves anyway, which I feel would only make the situation worse since they would go into debt.
And with plastic surgery stuff...i don't particularly know what to say about this one. I don't see this as self inflicted, mostly because what they're doing is them attempting to change their appearance. Yes it can cause medical issues, but I don't think said person fully knows that they're getting themselves into future medical complications.
Yeah, thats just my take on it. I think free healthcare is pretty nifty thing, and that if someone has an issue, they probably should get a doctor to help them without further complicating their lives.