Do watering cans really work?


Senior Member
Jan 7, 2006
Do they? I always plant trees, but trees 80% of the time die, and I always use watering cans, but they NEVER help, whats the point of them?
u prolly arent watering them in the right place, haru...
i gotta get used to ur new name....
Yeah I do spray them in the right place, just to make sure I spray them like 2 extra times.
Yes, they work. Although, I think watering cans are a little more for flowers than trees, but that's just me. Usually to get it in the right place, you need to be one "square" away from the thing you're watering, and facing it. That should work.

Glad I could help.

I never use a watering can because I'm like the tree fairy. I like to plant trees. I just wanna live in a forest where I can pretend theres a killer after me (Rod the mouse) and I run into a tree and "Nooooooooooooo". But I did try watering flowers 2 days ago and it worked for 25% of my flowers.
i'm positive it works for tree's, i planted a tree in this spot i really wanted one, it died, i planted it the next day, it died again, i planted it the third day, and watered it, the next day it was growing.
I tried watering flowers but its just too much work. I mean you have to be lined up just right and there is so many of them. So now I just let the flowers die. Guess I won't get the perfect town till summer


As far as trees go I have never watered a tree and I have never had 1 not grow. I always keep them 1 square away from each other and they last me forever unless I chop it down or a new animal moves in on it.
You could be stepping on them? If you step on them they die, most of the time. I think watering helps them grow, well they don't die if you water them.
I'm not sure about that. I didn't water a few of my trees, and they grew. Although, having it snow that day could've had something to do with it.

Ok thanks for all the help guys, Yeah because one day my bro gave me 15 peaches (I have apples), and all of them died cept
Gizmo said:
Ok thanks for all the help guys, Yeah because one day my bro gave me 15 peaches (I have apples), and all of them died cept
Sorry to hear that. But then, now you have one Peach Tree, and from that, you can grow a lot of new Peach trees. Trust me, I grew around 10 coconut trees from one coconut washed up on the shore.

i have a silver can, and I spray the flower/Tree three times after planting.
yes of course they work, you probably planted the saplings too close together or in bad spots. and i dont water mine and they still grow. u watter flowers with the can and red turnips.
I honestly don't think a watering can does anything for a tree... Only flowers :) Anyway heres a hint if you didn't know Lol :) *If you cut down a tree and plant another one in the same spot, growing chance is 100%*
Holosoth said:
Watering isnt important for trees. Placement is
This is true,you don't even need to water trees, it matter where you planted it,
however some spots are dead spots
Watering cans don't do anything to trees... I don't think so.