Senior Member
Trump did the same thing Andrew Johnson did that got him impeached. But by today's standards, Johnson was wrongfully impeached. If Trump did stuff like lying about scandals he was engaged in, sharing nuclear secrets with one of the enemies, or actually done other highly illegal things, he would get impeached. Some stuff like Nixon's Watergate Scandal, Reagan's Iran-Contra Scandal, and Clinton's Lewinsky Scandal are actually normal for politicians. Although they are bad, they aren't worth impeaching for. Stuff that Obama did to us that was horrible, as well as Trump's refugee block, are acts of corruption (which are neither impeachable offenses nor scandals). I do believe that being corrupt should get you impeached, but that would result in all future presidents facing impeachment.
The bad news is, Trump is not gonna get impeached. The Republicans wished Obama got impeached too, but he didn't do anything in office worth impeaching for.
It's kind of like they do just enough so that they won't be impeached, but also enough to upset a majority of the country. It's a strange middle ground